On the Subject of Intervals
Two buttons? This should be super easy!
- On the module there are 2 buttons both with a label on it.
- To solve the module, submit the correct interval which will be played on the module.
- Submitting the wrong interval will earn you a strike.
- There are four possible combinations that can be used as a button press: Left Left, Right Right, Left Right, and Right Left.
- Two of these combinations will cycle one of the buttons, and will play three notes in a certain direction depending on the button. The left button will always cycle in the order: I (Major), A (Minor), + (Augmented), o (Diminished), and P (Perfect). The right button will cycle through the numbers 1 - 8.
- One of the combinations will play an interval either melodically (ascending or descending) or harmonically (at the same time). This is the interval that you need to submit.
- One of the combinations submits the interval given on the screen, and will play a three note chord. This combination will not submit the first time you use it.
- All the combinations will be shuffled, but they will not change.
- Refer to “Interval Information” for what the title says.
Interval Information
An interval is the distance between two pitches. All intervals have a quality and a numberical value (e.g. M6, m3, P4).
Each interval will either have a quality of major, minor, augmented, diminished, or perfect. However, the only possible perfect intervals are P1, P4, P5, and P8, and perfect intervals like these cannot be minor or major. This means that M5 or m8 would not be possible. In addition, a diminished 1st (dim1) is not possile.
Below is a example of all the possible intervals.