On the Subject of Übermodule
Oh no, not another one!
The Übermodule starts with a white background, with a black number in the center. This number will increase every time a module† is solved. When all non-ignored modules are solved, the background will turn black, indicating that Übermodule is ready for input. There will be 3 to 5 stages**. Complete all stages to solve the module.
If multiple modules are solved within the exact same instant, sort the recently solved modules in alphabetical order, spaces included in the name. The order for sorting the module names is 0–9 then A–Z. A warning sound will also play to indicate that multiple modules have been solved within the exact same instant.
When Übermodule is ready for input, it will show a number colored either red or blue. The number represents which module you must use for input, where 1 being 1st module solved, 2 being 2nd module solved, etc. In other words, use the name of the module for the number displayed after you solved that module. The color represents how you input, red being Morse Code and blue being Tap Code. Each stage shows a different number with a color which may be different. Input the 1st English character* in that module’s name using that input method to pass the stage, ignoring the word ‘The’. If there are no valid characters in the module’s name, any valid or invalid character will be considered as the correct letter. Otherwise, upon inputting the incorrect or invalid letter, the module will strike and the module name will be shown.