On the Subject of Destroying A Message

For the nerds who care: Thorn, Slabten, Roundfra, Anoxic, Gavabon, Nadilla, Calderdale, BurningSun, Waringtons, VTKSBlocketo, Brittanian, Corners, OkayAgain, QtieScript, AlAtharaSabil, LostLeonest, MalvineW, Eleganta, ThickBookstaves, RomanMorrissey, Valtin, Cikandei, Qarius, KidsShapeBasic, VTKSCriminal75, TanomuzeCowboy, QuiteColorful, CrunchyPasta, Luminousity, Gitar, DrMingo, DreamHer (This is Special Elite and the numbers in the photo are Highway Gothic)

For those familiar with the original manual.

Each font is given a number from 1–32. Pressing the left and right buttons will subtract and add one to the font number, respectively. The module starts on font 1. Use the image below to tell the fonts apart. The message on the next page will show the numbers rather than fonts.
