On the Subject of Activities
Since when did your habits determine your age?
This module consists of three screens showing different activities, 6 numbered buttons, and a name.
Finding the activity average age
Each activity has an average lower and upper age boundary. Use the lower boundary if the battery count modulo 10 is less than 4. Else, use the upper boundary. The activity ages are as follows:
Activity | Lower | Upper |
Coding | 12 | 60 |
Sleeping | 20 | 70 |
Troublemaker | 5 | 18 |
Eating | 9 | 13 |
Playing | 2 | 16 |
Cooking | 11 | 50 |
Building | 3 | 45 |
Drawing | 5 | 75 |
Storymaking | 13 | 85 |
Studying | 15 | 20 |
Watching | 7 | 13 |
Praying | 18 | 100 |
Reading | 8 | 70 |
Messaging | 14 | 50 |
Boredom | 8 | 40 |
Aiding | 10 | 60 |
Teaching | 19 | 70 |
Performing | 9 | 55 |
Housework | 10 | 60 |
Admiring | 13 | 90 |
Now add the three activity ages together and divide by 3 (drop decimal places). In other words, take the mean age of all of the ages.