On the Subject of Among the Colors

“It’s Red! I literally saw him vent!” “...which Red?”

This module consists of a black panel, with a sequence of ten crewmates walking across it, and an Eject button.

  • The last crewmate in the sequence will look from side to side for a bit before exiting.

Each crewmate has three attributes, each of which can be one of twelve colors.

  • The Color of their Body Suit.
  • The Color of their Nametag.
  • Their name.

One of these crewmates is the Impostor. Use the instructions below to identify the Impostor and eject them to solve the module.

Ejecting a non-Impostor crewmate will result in a strike.

  • They will still appear on the panel, but as a ghost who can’t be ejected.

Identifying the Impostor

To identify the Impostor, you first need to identify the Sus Color. This color can be found using the section labeled Finding the Sus Color.

Three crewmates will have an attribute that matches up with this color - one bodysuit, one nametag, and one name.

From there, use these three crewmates with the section labeled Narrowing Down a Triplet to work out which of those three crewmates is the Impostor.

  • If one of the Sus Color attributes is missing, use the last crewmate in the sequence that isn’t already in the triplet.

BUT, if any of the following exceptions are in effect, ignore the instructions above and follow the instructions as listed in that exception:

  • If every attribute of a crewmate is the same color, that is the Impostor.
  • If a crewmate’s name is not that of a color as listed in Figure ATCCW, that crewmate is the Impostor.
  • If 3 crewmates have an attribute in common, use that triplet with Narrowing Down a Triplet to find the Impostor.
  • If 2 crewmates have an attribute in common, use that pair along with the last crewmate in the sequence not in that pair with Narrowing Down a Triplet to find the Impostor.

Finding the Sus Color

Find the color of the last crewmate in the sequence’s nametag on Figure AMCCW: Color Wheel.

Use the table below to calculate the offset.

  • Start with 0 and add the value for each matching condition.

If the offset is positive, move that many spaces clockwise on the Color Wheel; move counterclockwise for a negative offset.

The color you land on is the Sus Color.

Condition Value to add
For each AA battery +1
For each D battery -1
For each Parallel port or PS/2 port present +2
For each Stereo RCA port present +4
For each Serial or RJ-45 port present -2
For each other module with the word “Color” or “Colour” in its name (including other Among the Colors modules) +5
For each instance of a crewmate possessing attributes of a color and its diametric opposite on the Color Wheel (ex. Black suit named White) +3
For each instance of a crewmate following another* in which one crewmate’s attribute is the diametric opposite on the Color Wheel of the same attribute of the other crewmate (ex. Blue tag followed by an Orange tag) -3

*The first crewmate is not considered to be following the last crewmate.

Narrowing Down a Triplet

Order the three triplets by the order they appear in the sequence.

Using the table from Finding the Sus Color again, calculate the offset.

Divide the offset by 3, rounding to the nearest integer.

Move forwards through the triplet if the offset is positive, backwards if it’s negative.

The crewmate you land on is the Impostor.

Figure ATCCW: Color Wheel