On the Subject of Astroillogicals
The stars are with you. This bomb is without doubt a good omen.
- This module consists of a display with a logical statement containing horoscopes, and two buttons, coloured green and red uniquely and each having a check or cross label, picked separately.
- The goal of the module is to, across 3 stages, determine the validity of the horoscopes, then plug the corresponding horoscopes’ validities into the statement to then evaluate it. Complete all 3 stages to disarm the module.
- Pressing the wrong button will issue a strike, reset the module back to stage 1, and discard prior button presses and horoscope validities.
The solving process:
- Every horoscope starts out as false. Evaluate ALL statements in the table on page 3, if it is true, toggle the corresponding horoscope’s validity.
- Next, find the horoscope of the current date† and toggle its validity. For the purposes of this paragraph, this horoscope will be called the current horoscope. Find the current horoscope in the chart on page 4, follow the black arrow that leads from it, and toggle the validity of the horoscope you land on. Then, again from the current horoscope, toggle the validities of any other horoscopes based on the coloured arrows leading from the current horoscope, only if the corresponding coloured arrow’s statement in the table below the chart is true.
- Afterwards, note down the horoscope’s validities for this stage. It will be needed later on. For every stage, if the button with the check mark is on the left, evaluate the left half of the equation first. Otherwise, evaluate the right half of the equation first. Then, evaluate the remaining half of the equation with the result of the first evaluation. If the result of this is true, press the green button. Otherwise, press the red button. Note down the final output of the statement.
- In stage 2, invert the validities of ALL horoscopes, then note down the validities of the horoscopes for this stage and evaluate the equation shown for this stage. Note down the final output of this statement.
- In stage 3, use the outputs of the two previous stages to determine the operator used for the states of the horoscopes in this statement.
†: Current date refers to the date on the defuser’s computer when the bomb was started.