On the Subject of Baba Is Who?

Hey, I’ve heard of this game.

  • The module consists of a list of rules and the positions of each of the characters.
  • The characters are: BABA, KEKE, ME, ROCK, FLAG, and WALL.
  • The attributes for each of the characters, where each will be one of either YOU, MOVE, DEFEAT, PUSH, WIN, and STOP.
  • The characters will be shuffled in a 3×2 grid.
  • The characters in the grid can be pressed. Press the correct one to solve.


Below are rules for the characters, and the attributes. Match up the rules to the attributes to get six different rules by replacing the ellipses with the parts from the other column. For example, BABA is YOU makes the rule, “If the number of batteries is more than four, press the character that is below the character that is DEFEAT”.

Then, go through the rules in the order that they are on the module, stopping when you reach a rule that applies. The 3×2 grid loops around.

Subjects Attributes
BABA: If the… is more than four, press the character that is… YOU: … number of batteries, modulo 10… below the character that is DEFEAT.
KEKE: If the… is even, press the character below the character that is… MOVE: … last digit of the serial number… above the character that is STOP.
ME: If the… is composite, press the character above the character that is… DEFEAT: … number of ports, modulo 10… to the right of the character that is YOU.
ROCK: If the… is odd, press the character that is to the left from the character that is… PUSH: … number of indicators, modulo 10… above and to the left of the character that is WIN.
FLAG: If the… is less than five, press the character that is above and to the right of the character that is… WIN: … alphabetical position of the fourth character in the serial number, modulo 10… MOVE.
WALL: If the… is prime, press the character that is below and to the right of the character that is… STOP: … number of modules, modulo 10… below and to the left of the character that is PUSH.

If no rules apply, press the character that is YOU.

HOWEVER, if the button you should have pressed is DEFEAT, submit the button to the right of it instead.

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