On the Subject of Bamboozled Again

“Wait, was that the letter Echo or the word E?”, you say,
as you are baffled, befuddled, and bemused.
This module will beguile, and buffalo, and bewilder,
to make sure it is never defused.

This module consists of six coloured buttons, each with a line of text written on them, and a screen that displays a message that is broken into eight parts.
Each part of the message is encrypted using three key values (A, B, and C) in the following way:

  1. Each character, including spaces, is shifted A characters to the left.
    (0 ≤ A < no. of characters in text)
  2. A pair of symbols is appended to the ends of the text.
  3. Each character, including symbols, is Caesar shifted B letters/symbols forwards. (0 < B ≤ 26)
  4. The text is transcribed using one of six different sets of glyphs; the set used gives the C value.

Each unencrypted text, excluding texts 2 and 4, have values that are modified by an operation corresponding to that text’s colour.

Using these values, together with A, B, and C, gives the final value of each text.

Each button has an initial value, given by its colour and the text written on it.

Using these values, together with the final values of the display texts, gives the final value of each button.

The correct buttons to push are given by their final values.

Use the text on the buttons, their colours, and the symbols added to each of the display texts at step 2 of the encryption, to find the correct times to push the buttons.

Pushing a button will cause an LED to turn on. Once all four LEDs are on, the inputs will be submitted.

The LEDs will change colour according to the submitted inputs:

  • Green - The correct button was pressed at the right time.
  • Yellow - The correct button was pressed at the wrong time.
  • Red - The wrong button was pressed.

If all four LEDs turn green, the module is solved. Otherwise, if none of the LEDs turn red, the module will reset but a strike will not be issued. Otherwise, the module will reset and a strike will be issued.

Additional module info:

The LEDs can be pressed at any time to affect the display cycle:

  • Left - Cycles to the previous text while paused.
  • Mid-left - Resumes automatic text cycling.
  • Mid-right - Pauses text cycling
  • Right - Cycles to the next text while paused.

Section 1: What to press

Subsection 1.1: Glyph tables

The tables below show the glyphs for both the letters and symbols:

  • Symbols are represented by the same glyphs regardless of which set they belong to.
  • All glyphs are the same size on the display.
  • ‘#’ is used to represent spaces.
  • Letters and symbols are independently shifted down their respective tables by step 3 of the encryption.
Set ASet BSet CSet DSet ESet F
Value C111213141516
Symbol Table

Subsection 1.2: Raw data

The unencrypted display texts and button texts can be found in the set below.
Each text has a corresponding raw value, R:

  • Display texts 2 and 4 do not have raw values and will always be either THEN or NEXT.
  • Display texts 1, 3, and 5 can all be found in the top six rows of the table.
  • Display texts 6, 7, and 8 cannot be found in the remaining rows of the table.

Use the row equal to the text on the display and the column equal to its colour to obtain a modified value, S:

(Don’t do this for displays 2 and 4.)

THE LETTER 4004364440363632400044403640
ONE LETTER 2442222228201820204426222216
THE COLOUR 3223293334292726302235303128
ONE COLOUR 3993363348302733309942363321
THE PHRASE 2002182220181816200022201820
ONE PHRASE 1551141120100913105516141105
ALPHA 7007637770636356700077706370
ALPHA PAPA 5665515562504546506661515544
AZURE 5555505560504545505560505545
BLACK TEXT?4664424452403638406650424434
BLANK 4444404448403636404448404436
BLANK?! 5665515562504546506661515544
BLUE BRAVO 4774434454403639407751434433
BLUE IN RED4224384444383634402246404038
BLUE! 7557687780686361705582707365
BRAVO 8448768888767268804492808076
BUTTON 6776616674605455607773616653
C CHARLIE 4114374442373633401145403839
CHARLIE 8338758886757267803391807877
CHARLIE C 4334394446393635403347404237
CIPHER 5555505560504545505560505545
COLOUR 7777707784706363707784707763
CUEBEQ 5775525564504547507762525543
DELTA 6116556662555449601167605659
DELTA NEXT 4774434454403639407751434433
E THEN E 6006546660545448600066605460
ECHO 6666606672605454606672606654
ECHO ECHO 8448768888767268804492808076
ECHO! 4554414450403637405549414435
END QUOTE 6666606672605454606672606654
G IN JADE 5995545568504549509964545541
G IN ROSE 6336576666575451603369606057
GOLF 4664424452403638406650424434
HI-LO 8668788892787270806694808474
I GIVE UP 5885535566504548508863535542
IN BLUE 8338758886757267803391807877
IN CYAN 4554414450403637405549414435
IN GREEN 8448768888767268804492808076
IN MAGENTA 5115465552464541501156504749
IN RED 4884444456403640408852444432
IN YELLOW 4114374442373633401145403839
JADE 4774434454403639407751434433
KI LO 4664424452403638406650424434
KILO 6886626676605456608874626652
LIME 5885535566504548508863535542
LIME BRAVO 7887717786706364708885717762
MESSAGE 7007637770636356700077706370
MILO 4554414450403637405549414435
NOTHING 7227657774656358702279706768
ONE ELEVEN 8668788892787270806694808474
ONE ONE ONE5885535566504548508863535542
ORANGE 6996636678605457609975636651
PAPA ALPHA 8668788892787270806694808474
PAPHA ALPA 6996636678605457609975636651
QUEBEC 5665515562504546506661515544
"QUOTE K" 5225475554474542502257504948
QUOTE V 7337667776666359703380706967
ROSE 6776616674605455607773616653
SIX BUTTONS7117647772646357701178706569
T GOLF 5005455550454540500055504550
TANGO 8008728880727264800088807280
TANGOLF 6226566664565450602268605858
THAT? 6886626676605456608874626652
THIS? 7887717786706364708885717762
THREE ONES 8888808896807272808896808872
TWO BUTTONS7997727788706365709986727761
VICTOR 6556596670595453605571606455
VICTORR 8228748884747266802290807678
VIOLET 7447677778676360704481707166
VVICTOR 8448768888767268804492808076
WHAT? 4994454458403641409953454431
WHISKEE 7887717786706364708885717762
WHISKY 6446586668585452604470606256
WHISKEY 5445495558494544504459505346
YANGO 5115465552464541501156504749
YANKEE 4114374442373633401145403839
YELLOW TEXT7007637770636356700077706370
YES BUT NO 8998818898807273809997818871

(For the calculation of X values in Section 2, refer to the value found in the White (W) column, and use that button’s color.)

Subsection 1.4: Final text values

The final value, T, for each of the six texts that can be evaluated, is given by:

T = S + 5A + 2(B + C)

Subsection 1.5: Initial button values

Follow the instructions below to compute the initial value, I, of each of the six buttons:

    • If the button is black, begin with I = 30.
    • Otherwise, if the button is white or grey, begin with I = 20.
    • Otherwise, begin with I = 0.
    • If the colour of the button is written on itself, add 70.
    • Otherwise, if the complementary colour of the button is written on it, add 35.
    • Otherwise, if any colour or the word COLOUR is written on the button, add 5.
  1. Add 60 for each unencrypted display text that is the same as the text written on the button.
  2. Add 15 for each display text that is the same colour as the button.
  3. If the button is not grey, add 10 for each display text whose colour is complementary to the colour of the button.

Subsection 1.6: Final button values

Use the table below to find which display text’s final values are T1, T2, and T3 for each button.

Position of buttonT1T2T3
TLDisplay text 6Display text 1Display text 1
TMDisplay text 7Display text 3Display text 1
TRDisplay text 8Display text 3Display text 3
BLDisplay text 6Display text 5Display text 3
BMDisplay text 7Display text 5Display text 5
BRDisplay text 8Display text 1Display text 5

The final value of each button, F, is then given by the equation:

F = 3I + 2(T1 + T2 + T3)

To solve the module, press the buttons with the four highest final value in ascending order.

Note: If more than one button has the desired final value, the correct one to push occurs first in reading order.
Buttons change their colour and text when pressed and their initial values change accordingly.
This may change which button needs to be pressed next.

Section 2: When to press

Subsection 2.1: The first three buttons

Subsection 2.1.1: Button text modification

Once the correct button to press has been identified, modify the raw value of the text written on that button using the rule corresponding to that button’s colour:

Value X
WhiteThe highest digit
RedThe first digit subtract the second
OrangeThe digital root
YellowThe first digit
LimeThe first digit subtract the digital root
GreenThe sum of the digits
JadeTwice the first digit
GreyThe sum of the digits subtract the digital root
CyanThe second digit subtract the first
AzureThe negative digital root
BlueThe second digit
VioletThe second digit subtract the digital root
MagentaTen minus the sum of the digits
RoseTwice the second digit
BlackThe lowest digit

Subsection 2.1.2: Y value computation

  • If there are no lit LEDs, the Y value is the current X value.
  • If there is one lit LED and, once deciphered,
    • display text 2 is THEN, Y is the current X value plus the previous X value.
    • display text 2 is NEXT, Y is the current X value minus the previous X value.
  • If there are two lit LEDs and, once deciphered,
    • display text 4 is THEN, Y is the current X value plus the previous Y value.
    • display text 4 is NEXT, Y is the current X value minus the previous Y value.

Subsection 2.1.3: Final computation

The time to push the button is given by the Y value and the symbols appended to the text at step 2 of the encryption.

  • If there are no lit LEDs, use the symbols appended to display text 8.
  • If there is one lit LED, use the symbols appended to display text 7.
  • If there are two lit LEDs, use the symbols appended to display text 6.
SymbolPress the button when..
#the last digit of the timer is Y mod 10
'the sum of the last two digits of the timer is (Y mod 9) + 3
"the sum of the last two digits of the timer is (2Y mod 9) + 3
?the difference between the last two digits of the timer is Y mod 5
-the last digit of the timer is 9 - (Y mod 10)
*the sum of the last two digits of the timer is 11 - (Y mod 9)
~the sum of the last two digits of the timer is 11 - (2Y mod 9)
!the difference between the last two digits of the timer is 2Y mod 5

Subsection 2.2: The final button

  1. Using the table on Page 3:
    • Modify the raw value of the text on the button using the rule corresponding to the colour of display text 2 to obtain S1.
    • Modify the raw value of the text on the button using the rule corresponding to the colour of display text 4 to obtain S2.
  2. Using the table on Page 5:
    • Modify S1 using the rule corresponding to the colour of the button to obtain X1.
    • Modify S2 using the rule corresponding to the colour of the button to obtain X2.
    • If display texts 2 and 4 are the same when deciphered, Y is the sum of X1 and X2.
    • Otherwise, Y is the absolute difference between X1 and X2.
  3. Locate the symbol in the table below given by the symbols appended to display texts 2 and 4 at step 2 of the encryption, and press the button when the condition corresponding to that symbol is satisfied.

Appendix: Button and Display Text Colours