The Subject of Bamboozling Time Keeper

Screw Ticc tocc, here’s the good stuff.

Remove decimals after every step. Add 16 if final value < 10 until it isn't.

If B2 is green or magenta, correct button -> B2.
Otherwise, if all 3 buttons have same colors, correct button = Bstage.

Process for All Stages:

  1. Subtract (SN1 + SN2 + SN3).
  2. Add [4 * (Ports + Port Plates)].
  3. Multiply abs (“Forget” - SE Mods). (min 1, FTAs/UStores = 5, FMWs/Stores = 2)
  4. Multiply 1.5 if Simon Stops present, otherwise divide by 2.
  5. D2 is not red AND red button present, add starting value from other stage.
  6. Add (“RT Controlled Modules”* ✕ batteries).
  7. If within 10 of 1,176n, END.
  8. Add DD that the bomb was started on.
  9. Add/Subtract 20 per lit/unlit vanilla.
  10. Starting value >/< 5000, add/multiply 3 Stages Modules (1 minimum)†.
  11. Subtract (6 * Modded Ports).

Process for Stage 1:

  1. Use the table on the next page to do modifications. D2, D3, etc.
  2. Starting phrase -> definable, add first letter on each unlit indicator.
  3. “HUNDRED” present, divide by 100.
  4. “Simon’s Stages” not present AND “Übermodule” present, END.
  5. Add (99 ✕ Needy Modules).
  6. Starting phrase contains () or #, perform Step 12 with each buttons.
  7. If < 0, Multiply -6.
  8. Add (SN4 + SN5 + SN6).

Process for Stage 2:

  1. Starting phrase -> definable, take D2 and refer to table. HOWEVER:
    If the operator is “B#”/“STOP”, multiply by (#+1)/divide by 17.
  2. Starting phrase -> SOME NUMBER/THE NUMBER/NUMBER/ONE NUMBER/A NUMBER/1 NUMBER, perform step 12 but DLast - 1, multiply by 100 instead if it’s “HUNDRED”.
  3. Starting phrase contains () or a #, perform the operation in cell: (Row, Column)
    ( [D2S1+D2S2]%56, 7-[B2S2] ) and ( abs[D2S1-D2S2], [B1S2+B3S2]%8 ). Use exception rules from step 12.

If the B1 and B3 = D2 color, but B2 is a different color, correct button => B2.

  1. If green/magenta rule is applied to S1/S2/both/neither, +25/+150/+25/-250.
  2. Subtract ( 10 ✕ Kritzy’s Modules ).
  3. If < 0, multiply by -65 and END.
  4. Color letters from Buttons > 12, divide by color letters of non-white displays. If 0, double.
  5. If 2FA present, add ( 50 ✕ number of Two Factors ) and END.

Correct button -> button with the most letters, unless it’s tie or RT sensitive module present.

  1. If there are 7 parts, divide by 7.
  2. Divide by 3.
  3. Add ( 10 ✕ Indicators that share with “SPEAKINGEVIL” ).

Dn refers to nth step on the display, while its subscript Sn refers to nth stage.

Bn refers to nth button color.

⇓ Label Id 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Id Label ⇓
0 0 STOP *5 +50 /2 -25 B3 B1 B2 0 0
1 1 +1 STOP -1 B2 B1 *3 /3 B3 1 1
2 2 -10 +25 STOP -25 +66 -512 +12 /5 2 2
3 3 B1 /2 *2 STOP B2 /9 *6 B3 3 3
4 4 B3 B2 B1 B2 STOP B3 B1 B2 4 4
5 5 +559 -58 +25 -48 +99 STOP -454 *5 5 5
6 6 *3 /3 *6 /6 +9 -6 STOP -3 6 6
7 7 B1 +158 B2 -264 *56 /7 B3 STOP 7 7
8 8 -65 +46 -415 +48 -56 -99 +284 -54 8 8
9 9 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 9 9
10 10 *10 /10 *10 /10 *10 /10 -100 -100 10 10
11 11 +84 -46 +94 +54 +49 +21 +86 *11 11 11
12 12 /4 *3 /3 *4 /2 *2 /6 *6 12 12
13 13 +485 +84 +95 +24 -48 -78 -459 -101 13 13
14 14 +459 -485 -458 +478 +0 -45 *5 /5 14 14
15 15 +45 -90 +30 +120 -150 +15 +15 +15 15 15
16 16 *2 +256 -32 +64 -64 +32 -256 /2 16 16
17 17 +456 -98 -485 +741 -46 +155 -45 +485 17 17
18 18 +45 *5 /9 +45 -5 +46 +78 -87 18 18
19 19 B3 B3 B3 B3 B3 B3 B3 B3 19 19
20 20 STOP -59 /3 +55 -20 +23 +59 -41 20 20
30 21 +45 STOP -89 *7 /5 +48 +89 -78 21 30
40 22 -512 +126 STOP *2 /5 *5 /2 +155 22 40
50 23 *5 /5 *10 STOP /10 +1 -151 +150 23 50
60 24 *5 *12 -120 -60 STOP +180 /5 /12 24 60
70 25 *2 *5 *7 +21 /2 STOP /5 /7 25 70
80 26 *2 /2 *2 /2 *2 /2 STOP +40 26 80
90 27 B1 B2 B3 B3 B2 B3 B1 STOP 27 90
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

⇓ Label Id 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Id Label ⇓
ZERO 28 /5 -50 *2 +25 B1 B2 B3 STOP 28 ZERO
ONE 29 -1 +1 B3 B2 /3 *3 STOP B1 29 ONE
TWO 30 +10 -25 +25 -66 +512 STOP -12 *5 30 TWO
THREE 31 B3 *2 /2 B1 STOP *9 /6 B2 31 THREE
FOUR 32 *4 /4 +4 STOP -4 *4 /4 +0 32 FOUR
FIVE 33 -559 +58 STOP -25 +48 -99 +454 /5 33 FIVE
SIX 34 +3 STOP /3 *3 /6 *6 -9 +6 34 SIX
SEVEN 35 STOP B3 -158 B1 +264 /56 *7 B2 35 SEVEN
EIGHT 36 +65 -46 +415 -48 +56 +99 -284 +54 36 EIGHT
NINE 37 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 37 NINE
TEN 38 /10 *10 /10 *10 /10 *10 +100 +100 38 TEN
ELEVEN 39 -84 +46 -94 -54 -49 -21 -86 /11 39 ELEVEN
TWELVE 40 +4 -3 +3 -4 +2 -2 -6 +6 40 TWELVE
THIRTEEN 41 -485 -84 -95 -24 +48 +78 +459 +101 41 THIRTEEN
FOURTEEN 42 -459 +485 +458 -478 -0 +45 /5 *5 42 FOURTEEN
FIFTEEN 43 -45 +90 -30 -120 +150 -15 -15 -15 43 FIFTEEN
SIXTEEN 44 /2 -256 +32 -64 +64 -32 +256 *2 44 SIXTEEN
SEVENTEEN 45 -456 +98 +485 -741 +46 -155 +45 -485 45 SEVENTEEN
EIGHTEEN 46 -45 /5 *9 -45 +5 -46 -78 +87 46 EIGHTEEN
NINETEEN 47 +0 -25 +25 -25 +25 -25 +25 -0 47 NINETEEN
TWENTY 48 *2 /2 *5 /5 *10 /10 +20 STOP 48 TWENTY
THIRTY 49 +330 -330 +90 -90 /3 *3 STOP /10 49 THIRTY
FOURTY 50 +512 -126 /2 *5 /5 STOP *2 -155 50 FOURTY
FIFTY 51 /5 *5 /10 *10 STOP -1 +151 -150 51 FIFTY
SIXTY 52 /5 /12 +120 STOP +60 -180 *5 *12 52 SIXTY
SEVENTY 53 /2 /5 STOP /7 -21 *2 *5 *7 53 SEVENTY
EIGHTY 54 /2 STOP *2 /2 *2 /2 *2 -40 54 EIGHTY
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

The Scale Factor

After using the tables, set X to 2 if X < 2 or X to 4 if X is > 4.

Lit BOB, Lit FRK, 4 batteries in 2 holders: =2
Stage 1 Stage 2
Batteries -1/2batt Battery Holders -1/bh
FT is present +1 FN is present +1
4 or more SN Digits +3 4 or more SN Letters +3
TK is present +2 TTK is present +2
Starting Phrase is not definable +2 Starting Phrase is definable +2
FMN is present +1 FIN is NOT present +1
This stage’s starting value < 5000: +1
The bomb’s starting time is 30:00 or greater: +2
Exactly 3 SN Letters and 3 Digits: +2
This stage’s final value ≥ 10000: /2

Determining the Correct Button

Refer to these for each stage if the correct button is not determined.
Use the first true row that apply.

  1. Final value 0 - 9999 inclusive ⇒ left.
  2. Parallel and 1 magenta button is present ⇒ that magenta button.
  3. Stereo RCA and 1 white and 1 red button is present ⇒ neither.
  4. Black Cipher present and 1 black button is present ⇒ that button.
  5. No shared colors between buttons and phrases (excluding white) ⇒ right.
  6. All phrases are white, and exactly 1 button label is not present in numerical form or digit form ⇒ that button.
  7. Buttons are RGB, in any order ⇒ Blue
  8. Left and Right present ⇒ middle.
  9. Otherwise take your final value and % 3, then + 1, count from left to right if you are on stage 1, right to left otherwise.

Determining the State of the Correct Button

Taps can substitute holds at a cost of a strike, if the bomb’s timer is < 25%.
Error margin are ± 5s on the bomb’s timer.

  1. If TVAB or Multitask present / ≥1 Needy Modules, tap.
  2. Both of the other labels are present in the display, hold.
  3. Correct button’s label is present in the display, tap.
  4. Button labels are sorted from greatest to least or least to greatest, hold.
  5. Other button’s labels’ positive difference is within 2 of the correct button’s label, tap.
  6. Correct button label = LSD of the sum of the other 2 button’s labels, hold.
  7. Correct button label = LSD of the product of the other 2 button’s labels, tap.
  8. Otherwise, hold.

Holding The Button:

Keep going, and good luck!

Bomb timer will be abbreviated as BT, Display timer will be abbreviated as DT.
S in the middle refers to seconds timer (e.g. BST and DST).
If the current condition gives a value that is impossible to reach, skip to the next “Otherwise,” when necessary.

  1. 1/2 button(s) flashing 4 same color in a row.
  2. 2FA Present.
  3. 1/2 button(s) transmitting Morse.
  4. Otherwise, count the number of flashes for each flashing button.

Module Response Upon Submission:

Starting Time 5:01 - 15:00 incl, strike if interacted on < 30s left.
Starting Time > 15:00, strike if interacted on < 60s left.

Button response:

  • Left: Correct Button
  • Middle: Correct Time Range
  • Right: Correct Action (released/tapped correctly)

Case Very Rare: 1/2 button(s) flashing 4 same color in a row.

Refer to the top table if both is flashing 4 in a row, otherwise the bottom table.

Leftmost Rightmost Release Condition
Red Red BT in minutes is even
Green DST shows a product of 2 consecutive numbers
Blue BST shows a product of 2 consecutive numbers
Green Red ≥ 1 digit from the local time is shown from BT (not 0)
Green BST = 1, 3, 5, 9, 17, 31 or 57
Blue ≥ 1 digit from the local time is shown from DT (not 0)
Blue Red 04 or 40 on DST
Green 04 or 40 on BST
Blue DST = 1, 3, 5, 9, 17, 31 or 57

Position of Flashing Button
Left Middle Right
Color Red BST not in SN DST shows 4/8/15/16/23/42 ≥ 1 BST in SN
Green Sum of BST = prime BST match Sum of BST ≠ prime
Blue Sum of DST = prime BST shows 4/8/15/16/23/42 DST not in SN

Case Probably Never: 2FA is present.

  • If 1 2FA, release when the DST contains ≥ 1 digit from LD in 2FA.
  • If 2/3/4 2FAs, release when the BST contains ≥ 1 digit from the average of the 2FA, % 10, rounded down.
    Unless the Two Factors are equal, go to the next “Otherwise.”
  • Otherwise, release when the BT and DT combined have ≥ 4 digits in the highest 2FA.
    Unless the highest Two Factor on the bomb has 3 or fewer distant digits, go to the next “Otherwise.”

Case Common: 1/2 button(s) transmitting Morse.

  • Initial value = Alphabetical position of transmitted message.
  • Modify that initial value based on Table Irregular Flashes, one at a time.
Color of the Given Flash Position of the Flash
Flashed 1st Flashed 2nd Flashed 3rd Flashed 4th
Red +#Mods +DR #Mods -#Mods -DR #Mods
Green +MM (date) -#PP -MM (date) +LSD in initial
Blue +#Ports +#PP -#Ports -LSD in initial
  • Take the last digit of the absolute value and refer the table below.
Values Used Release Condition
1 ≥ 1 BST shows THAT value
2, 1 value is a 0 Non-zero not present on DST
2, identical and NOT 0 Value not present on BST
2, both values are 0 BST = sum of the base 36 digits flashed in Morse, % 60
2, 0 or 2 vowels BST = product of the 2 values
2, Otherwise DST = product of the 2 values


Count the number of flashes for each flashing button and use the next table.

Red Green Blue
Left Button is flashing 1 2 3
Middle Button is flashing 2 3 1
Right Button is flashing 3 1 2

Add all of these valued flashes up for each button and refer the next table:

Value % 5 0 1 2 3 4
Release Condition (BT): Total time = 2n 3n 5n 7n 11n

Both conditions must be satsfied from the calculated values on each of the flashing buttons. However, if the values after modulo 5 are the same, release the button when the total time remaining in seconds is a prime or < 5. You might need Prime Checker to assist you with this.

Appendix: Morse Code

When you can’t condense this.

Return to Case Common