On the Optimization of Bandboozled Again

Noot noot! Noot noot! Noot noot! Noot noot!

Decrypt the display and buttons using the decryption table provided here.

Decryption Table


Tap each button to play a note. The pitches corresponding to the notes play are ranged from 1-6 from lowest to highest, in this table provided.


To determine a useless loop, start with the sequence, "123", and then perform the adjustments based on the connection table below by taking the digits in the 1-indexed position as the labeled digits from the symbol displayed in the connection table. A useless loop occurs when its ending sequence has 1 in the third position. Characters marked in gray from the Decryption Table generate a useless loop when the row’s symbol is first on the buttons, magenta if the column’s symbol is first, or azure if the symbol’s order does not matter.
Example of a useless loop: 123 (b) -> 213 (c) -> 231

Connection Table

STUVWX YZ0123 456789

Consider the number of steps forwards in the alphabet, from each consecutive pair of characters, including the last and first characters decrypted as a pair, using the table above in reading order as one string. Find the original word in the table provided.

Word Table

WordDistances Forward (Looped x2)
CLAVICHORD9 25 21 23 30 5 7 3 22 35 9 25 21 23 30 5 7 3 22 35
CONCERTINA12 35 25 2 13 2 25 5 23 2 12 35 25 2 13 2 25 5 23 2
BASSGUITAR35 18 0 24 14 24 11 17 17 20 35 18 0 24 14 24 11 17 17 20
DIDGERIDOO5 31 3 34 13 27 31 11 0 25 5 31 3 34 13 27 31 11 0 25
FLUGELHORN6 9 22 34 7 32 7 3 32 28 6 9 22 34 7 32 7 3 32 28
FRENCHHORN12 23 9 25 5 0 7 3 32 28 12 23 9 25 5 0 7 3 32 28
GRANDPIANO11 19 13 26 12 29 28 13 1 28 11 19 13 26 12 29 28 13 1 28
KETTLEDRUM30 15 0 28 29 35 14 3 28 34 30 15 0 28 29 35 14 3 28 34
PERCUSSION25 13 21 18 34 0 26 6 35 2 25 13 21 18 34 0 26 6 35 2
SOUSAPHONE32 6 34 18 15 28 7 35 27 14 32 6 34 18 15 28 7 35 27 14
TAMBOURINE17 12 25 13 6 33 27 5 27 15 17 12 25 13 6 33 27 5 27 15
VIBRAPHONE23 29 16 19 15 28 7 35 27 17 23 29 16 19 15 28 7 35 27 17

Determine if the upper displayed trumpet has a useless loop. Caesar shift the decrypted display back by A if it does, or forwards by A otherwise. Then take the last B letters of the encrypted word and place them at the front to get the original word.

Next, obtain the response word from the word decoded from before. The response word is always in the same position in the corresponding half as its decrypted word, but in the opposite half. A solid bar is provided to distinguish between the halves. Then, determine the lower displayed trumpet has a useless loop. Caesar shift the response word forwards by A if it does, or backwards by A otherwise.

Using the encrypted response, find the button that has a letter in the encrypted response, and listen to its pitch. That pitch is how long to hold the correct button for. Also using the decryption table, find the first letter present on the button when going through this table top to bottom, right to left, starting on the top-right. The button that corresponds to this letter will be the correct button.

Start holding the correct button when the last seconds digit of the countdown timer is B, and release after its desired time.

Determine if the buttons have a useless loop, and invert the action for the final step if they do, for those buttons ONLY, where buttons that should not be pressed should be pressed instead and vice versa. Tap the brass buttons if A is odd, or the wooden buttons otherwise.

Any incorrect presses/holds/timings will result in a strike and reset the module after 4 sets of interactions have been made.
