On the Subject of Bandboozled Again
Doot doot.
This module has six wooden or brass buttons with bandzleglyphs on them, 4 LEDs between the buttons, and a display with more bandzleglyphs.
Buttons play notes when pressed. Each note is assigned to a numeric value. (1-lowest pitch to 6-highest pitch)
Every two bandzleglyphs are mapped to one alphanumeric character using the Bandzleglyphs Reference Table. Order does not matter.
Step 1: Encryption
The main display has a ten letter word in the Word Table. However, the word has been encrypted.
If the top half has a useless loop* the word has been Caesar† shifted A steps forwards, otherwise A steps backwards. A is a positive integer between 0–35 (inclusive). It has also been rotated B steps left [0,9] (inclusive) (0–9 are after Z).
To reverse the encryption, perform the opposite of the previous steps.
Step 2: Determining the correct button
You will always be holding the button whose letter is first in Chinese reading order in the Bandzleglyph table. Chinese reading order is read from top-to-bottom, right-to-left.
Step 3: Holding the correct button
To determine how long to hold a button for, use the Word Table. The word directly above or below the decrypted word, once encrypted (using the bottom text’s loop* status instead of the top’s), will share a letter with exactly one button. That button’s note value is how many seconds to hold for (on the bomb’s timer).
NOTE: You must only begin holding a button when the last seconds digit of the bomb’s timer is exactly B.
Once you have held a button, the previous rules no longer apply. If A is odd, you must tap all brass buttons. Otherwise, you must tap all wooden buttons. However, if a button’s bandzleglyphs have a useless loop*, you must do the exact opposite for that button.