On the Subject of Not So Big Circle

Who had the brilliant idea of taking a hula-hoop and making it a module?

  • BOB, CAR, or CLR = +1 if lit, -1 if unlit
  • FRK, FRQ, MSA, or NSA = +2 if lit, -2 if unlit
  • SIG, SND, or TRN = +3 if lit, -3 if unlit
  • Add 3n, where n is the number of solved modules
  • No. of batteries = +4 if odd, -4 if even
  • Parallel plate = +5 if not on same plate as serial, -4 if on a plate with serial
  • DVI-D plate = -5 if not on plate with stereo RCA, +4 if on same plate as stereo RCA
  • Each custom indicator = +6
  • Each custom port = -6
  • Add least significant Two Factor digit
  • If the number is negative, remove the negative sign
  • Take that number, mod 10 (add or remove 10, until the number is between 0 and 9)
  • In the table, 0 is noted as "-0-"
    • 0 = 1st SN character
    • 1 or 9 = 2nd SN character
    • 2 or 8 = 3rd SN character
    • 3 or 7 = 4th SN character
    • 4 or 6 = 5th SN character
    • 5 = 6th SN character
    Character Clockwise Counter-Clockwise
    -0-, 1, or 2 Red Yellow Blue Blue Yellow Red
    3, 4, or 5 Orange Green Magenta Magenta Green Orange
    6, 7, or 8 Blue Black Red Red Black Blue
    9, A, or B Magenta White Orange Orange White Magenta
    C, D, or E Orange Blue Black Black Blue Orange
    F, G, or H Green Red White White Red Green
    I, J, or K Magenta Yellow Black Black Yellow Magenta
    L, M, or N Red Orange Yellow Yellow Orange Red
    O, P, or Q Yellow Green Blue Blue Green Yellow
    R, S, or T Blue Magenta Red Red Magenta Blue
    U, V, or W Black White Green Green White Black
    X, Y, or Z White Yellow Blue Blue Yellow White