On the Subject of Binary Morse
This module consists of two screens, a keypad, a submit button and clear button. The screen cycles an indefinite amount of decimal numbers per second.
This sequence of numbers, when converted to five-digit binary numbers, will form letters written in Morse code using the bits in the same significant position.
A dot is defined as one “1” between zeroes, while a dash is defined as two consecutive “1”s between zeroes. A single “0” between two “1”s is defined as a gap between two parts of a letter, while two consecutive “0”s is defined as a gap between whole letters.
Each significant position would only transmit one letter at a time repeatedly. Determine the letters transmitted by each significant position of the binary, then convert them into Morse code.
From left to right, convert a dot to one “1”, a dash to two consecutive “1”s, a space between two parts in a letter to one “0”, and a space between two whole letters to two consecutive “0”s.
If the length of this binary string isn’t divisible by 8, prepend zeroes until it is.
Next, split up the binary string into groups of 8, from left to right. Convert these groups into decimal numbers and take their sum.
Submit this number into the module to solve it. A strike will occur for a wrong answer, but will not reset the module.