On the Subject of Black Arrows

Remember every twist and turn you take!

If the arrows are not black, you are looking at a different module.

This module contains four black arrows, and a display in the middle. This display shows the stage number the module is on as well as 2 bars that slowly decrease, denoting how much buffered time is left for that stage. Each time a non-ignored module is solved and while the buffer is empty, this stage number changes. There will be a series of arrow flashes, including a set of arrows that fade in and out during the flashing sequence.

If there are no directions that fade in and out, refer to the legacy manual.

Take the sum of the alphabetic positions of all letters in the serial number and modulo this by 8. If the result is 4, 5, 6, or 7, use Grid B to navigate; otherwise use Grid A. The result is also the offset applied, modulo 4.

Find your starting location on the grid obtained on the next page, using the 3rd character of the serial number as the row, and the 6th as the column. The column is slanted diagonal of the grid obtained from left to right, labeled in the same fashion as the rows. Obtain the digit on your starting location as stage 0. At each stage, move in the indicated direction, wrapping around the grid if necessary. The grid is tiled like a parallelogram, such that the corners would touch each other.

For each stage, the arrows on the module can flash in one of six directions, in addition to flashing all four at once, which represents staying in place. 2 consecutive arrows flashing represent the combined direction to move in the grid. The direction that fades in and out corresponds to the digit that should be obtained for this stage after moving in that direction. For each digit obtained, add the offset obtained and the stage number, then take the sum modulo 4 to get a resulting digit.

When all other non-boss modules have been solved, the display will turn blank, and the module is ready for input. Attempting to interact with the module before the module is ready will incur a strike. Convert every obtained digit, including stage 0, to an arrow using the directive table on page 3, and press those arrows in that order. An incorrect arrow press while the module is ready to submit will reveal the stage you inputted incorrectly as well as reshowing arrow directions up to the stage that was struck on, if there are any.

Grid A

Grid B

Directive Table

When using the directive table, obtain ALL present conditions that apply, and assign these rows to each stage, starting on stage 0 with the LAST condition applied, wrapping around to the first applied condition for stage 1, and so on.

Present ConditionDigit Obtained
Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, or Purple Arrows*RightDownUpLeft
Unlit TRNLeftUpRightDown
Lit BOBUpDownLeftRight
Vowel in S.N.LeftRightDownUp
Plate with exactly 2 portsRightUpLeftDown
2+ unlit indicatorsDownLeftRightUp
Black Arrows*UpRightDownLeft
4+ BatteriesDownUpLeftRight
2+ lit indicatorsRightLeftDownUp
Lit CLRLeftDownUpRight
Double, Coloured, or Flashing Arrows*UpLeftRightDown
Unlit FRQDownRightUpLeft

*Refers to any of the listed modules being present.