o the subjcet of bottom ger 2

welcum bak to bohm gear mats.

thuis bohm ger agiona! yay!!

mistre jams smoke weddd

also, jreemia smok eweed (jer8imia havl ugn cancre now)

theres also buton moddule

solev moduli cu8s hamnok caus4e car crahs (HAMOCKK BA\D!!!!!!!!!)

link to btom gear 2 vdieo here???/

pesr buton? osund play

suinds in appednix btmgr;

wer dot es tpap buttonj and das is holfd buyton for hav secnhd ormoar, do actin given

if you do incrorrectness hamdnod give strikke to yo u(hanock lonwli man)

he also resett osund

bad hammock,he dinrkl strawberry-flavoured Danone Actimel with additional nutritional value, all the vitamins for your day and extra yummy goodness!

appenndnix btmgr

soudntrasript5thig ndoing
1audio 1toi0ngh on, ger-.
2audio 2cars--
3audio 3i9 steal mk stups nweioghbors ford Fosdcus
hamnd grtes kindap b drujgglrd in Cambodya
nd jams giv int othe voces
4audio 4thi9s wek sponsrosi s bose yeh chekt hme out righ prpero hedfoenes-.-
5audio 5hai o notp ger fuk cahs ckkkkkkk--.
sohjdnmtranscuir-[pthi8n doin
6audio 6jams me fello coleg  of th obhm ger teem---
7audio 7a miss ma wief ckkkkkkkkkkkkkkk-...
8audio 8oki lda s nowis tim forteh knews-..-
9audio 9lookadi fsta cah mats-.-.
10audio 10whne thi sbabe hitks 141 keelopmwets perour ye, you;'re gna sesum sreus shietmat-.--
11audio 11blmoy thespeds ginvg mia roight propah anurisme, getingg real huard to driovew thuew caknr moite--..
12audio 12sio0tg wil nopwqdrikve the fas cahu--.-
13audio 13tonioghbt, we huave an exclusitn luk onthe cyube-
stig crahsed jame
14audio 14siodhg9824hytuierngHO875E4HY9834GE
oi janwes maiyu got to perfoprm the ehxuialasiojn n this raere crakc cocaioone
15audio 15c̶̢̗̈́͗̕ö̷̢̠̳́̂ç̶͓͉̒̾͜-....
16audio 16im dbpaing opmn da fukjking hater sjame s-...-
17audio 17oinmats lisen to thios ye
18audio 18hmond, huelp meim aolve youle hosmat-..--
19audio 19r chalerj tod a
buya kar folr ¥823 nda drikda formth wagion to Norjt Kora
20audio 20ats a bnit sssssssssssstttoupid init-.-.-
21audio 21hamock
lok athios car ikjmjst got for twnenby quikd
22audio 22howplbout we rerv one forjte lad wathgcik ng-.---
23audio 23dkhjflbbgjkilsdbhgsjhnuijrgdfghnijehrbh785345bt89h4385
i thinki reve oneto90nk muhc i hopew wer insurewd
24audio 24oin bloeks, yhe exhauys foom tasrt kdnia funni ye--..-
sofntranspotethink dong
25audio 25hmond idint borlk car casrh in fireld agian????????--.-.
26audio 26hammy oi wened more boofe ye
oim adiocted
27audio 27bomh ger, thue gamer comuing to htueh fcombnsole int 20 munbtes---..
28audio 28thisd is thue new la nbo mideol i nwas tleihng yoy abouit jam---.-
29audio 29donl car mat pfpfwpfpepfp----.
30audio 30コツク-----
31audio 31toudy wewqwweev
todyt7a wewrewr
otyda weweewwewewe
fuk k kkkkkk
32audio 322001 chewy hiujgladnder-....-
33audio 33shbe4 tookl the bluudy kidks jermy-...-.
34audio 34fokiin hamiok-...--
35audio 35mkzdxbgstu789wq3g487h osjibg83w4yt7uer
ery noic
36audio 36dopnt care mat-..-.-