Mom was pretty hot at me for being late, just like I expected. So I told her that the clock in Rowley’s kitchen must be wrong, and that I thought I was right on time.
And do you know what Mom did? She called Rowley’s mom and caught me red handed.
So Mom was really mad that I lied. But as far as being tricky goes, Mom shouldn’t blame me, because I learned everything I know from her.
I remember this one time when I was in the second grade and Mom couldn’t get me to brush my teeth. So she made this pretend call to the dentist and I totally fell for it.
In fact, that’s when I started brushing my teeth five times a day.
Mom said she was going to think about what my punishment should be for telling a lie, and she’d let me know as soon as she came up with something that fit the "crime".
See, that’s the difference between Mom and Dad. Dad is pretty simple. If you mess up in front of him, he just throws whatever is in his hand at you.
But Mom’s a lot more crafty with her punishments. She thinks about it for a few days, and the waiting ends up being just about as bad as the punishment.
In the meantime you end up doing all these nice things hoping it’ll get you off easier.
But then after a few days, just when YOU forget about the punishment that’s coming, that’s when she gets you.
The only good thing about Mom’s punishments is that she’s pretty soft. So if you just lay low for a while you can pretty much always get out of the punishment early.
Anyway, that’s what I’m counting on while I wait for this punishment to get handed down.
Well, now I’ve gone and done it. Remember how I said yesterday that while you’re waiting for Mom to hand down her punishment you end up doing all this good stuff to make her change her mind? It was that kind of thinking that got me in this extra trouble I’m in now.
Today after school I thought maybe if I washed Mom’s car before she got home, she might go easy on me with the punishment thing. So that’s what I did, but I made the mistake of using Brillo to rub off all the bugs and tar spots. So I was in for the surprise of my life when I rinsed the car off.