On the Subject of Burnout

I’ll be honest with you, this thing is a real crash breaker!

  • The module will have 3 displays, a booster bar and a 'GO!' button. The larger display will display a short name of a track that will be used below.
  • The two displays to the right of the larger display will show car names (top display) and track conditions (bottom display). The arrows on the left and right will change the text on the display.
  • Before clicking 'GO!', select the correct car, track condition and boost amount. An order must be determined before locking them in which will be determined below. For locking in the car and track condition, click the display. For locking in the number of boosts, click the circle from left to right based of the amount needed.
  • If at anytime, before starting, you entered a wrong answer, hold 'GO!' for 3 seconds and it will reset the module (not just the inputs).
  • Failing to lock in the information in the correct order will cause a strike. After starting, if the information is wrong or is not set the module will strike and reset. Before a reset caused by a strike occurs the information that is incorrect will be temporarily displayed in a red color.
  • If all the information is correct, it will go into its boosting phase. The button will change to say 'BOOST!'. This button will now have to be held down and released at the correct times. This process will have to be done depending on how many boosts you have. If any of the two times is incorrect, the module will strike and reset.
  • If the boosts are correct, you will have won the race and the module will solve.

Step 1: Determining the selected car

  • To obtain the car that will be used in the race, using the following instructions below:
    • Start by taking the last digit of the serial number and add the number of batteries.
    • If the serial number contains a vowel, multiply it by the number of port plates. Otherwise, multiply it by the number of battery holders.
    • Modulo the number by 22, and find the associated car name in the table below.
Index Car Name Index Car Name
0 Compact 1 SUV
2 Coupe 3 Pickup
4 Sport 5 Roadster
6 Muscle 7 Hot rod
8 Cop car 9 Oval racer
10 Classic 11 Japanese Muscle
12 Gangster 13 Supercar
14 Custom 15 Touring Car
16 Buggy 17 Race car
18 Special 19 Bike
20 Future 21 Drivers ED

Step 2: Determine track conditions

Track Direction

Use the table below to determine the direction of the track.

Conditions Duplicate Ports Otherwise
Last digit of the serial number is odd If the number of batteries are even, the track is in reverse.
Otherwise, the track is normal.
If there are more lit indicators than unlit indicators, the track is normal.
Otherwise, the track is in reverse.
Otherwise If the number of batteries are even, the track is normal.
Otherwise, the track is in reverse.
If there is an even amount of lit indicators, the track is in reverse.
Otherwise, the track is normal.

Track Condition

Use the following table below to obtain the condition for the track based on the track name given in the large display. Go through the conditions of that track until one matches. Take that condition and continue to the next step. BUT, if the serial number contains any character from 'D3ST7', the track condition is UNSAFE.

COND in the table below, refers to the track condition.
S# refers to the serial number

Name Condition 1 Condition 2 Condition 3 Condition 4 Otherwise
AT3 Listening is present, COND = QUIET 1+ Strikes, COND = CLEAR S# contains a vowel, COND = RAINY Maze is present, COND = NIGHT COND = CROWDED
AT1/2 Car name is Muscle, COND = QUIET Car name is Pickup, COND = CROWDED Souvenir is present, COND = RAINY Car name is Touring Car, COND = Night COND = CLEAR
INTL Lit BOB Indicator present, COND = QUIET Car name is Cop car, COND = CROWDED S# contains any from 'BURNOUT', COND = RAINY Car name is Classic, COND = Night COND = CLEAR
Name Condition 1 Condition 2 Condition 3 Condition 4 Otherwise
88INT DVI port is present, COND = CROWDED No parallel port, COND = CLEAR # of Lit Indi. = # of Unlit Indi., COND = RAINY Car name is Custom, COND = NIGHT COND = QUIET
PBH Batteries > Battery Holders, COND = QUIET Exactly 2 battery holders, COND = CROWDED iPhone is present, COND = CLEAR Today is Tues-Thur, COND = RAINY COND = NIGHT
SVD S# contains any from 'WATER', COND = CROWDED Duplicate ports present, COND = CLEAR The Time Keeper is present, COND = RAINY Car name is Gangster, COND = NIGHT COND = QUIET
SVS Lit/Unlit SND Indicator present, COND = QUIET Car name is Muscle, COND = CROWDED Car name is Buggy, COND = CLEAR Lit/Unlit IND Indicator present, COND = RAINY COND = NIGHT
BSG iPhone is present, COND = QUIET Car name is Custom, COND = CROWDED Time on bomb is less than half (at generation), COND = RAINY Sea Shells is present, COND = Night COND = CLEAR
CSP Parallel port is present, COND = QUIET Car name is Cop car, COND = CROWDED Car name is Super, COND = NIGHT N/A COND = CLEAR
CSL RCA port is present, COND = CROWDED Car name is Japanese Muscle, COND = CLEAR Car name is Compact, COND = RAINY 22+ modules on the bomb, COND = NIGHT COND = QUIET
OS Microphone is present, COND = QUIET Car name is Super, COND = CROWDED A needy is present, COND = NIGHT N/A COND = CLEAR
HH Guitar Chords is present, COND = QUIET Car name is Classic, COND = CLEAR Lit/Unlit IND Indicator, COND = NIGHT N/A COND = CROWDED
FD More modules than starting time in minutes, COND = QUIET Exactly 23 modules on the bomb, COND = CROWDED Car name is Gangster, COND = CLEAR 0 Strikes, COND = NIGHT COND = RAINY
SL S# contains any from 'F1S4', COND = QUIET Track direction is reverse, COND = CLEAR 3+ Strikes, COND = RAINY Mafia is present, COND = NIGHT COND = CROWDED
KR Car name is Custom, COND = QUIET Car name is Drivers ED, COND = CROWDED Car name is Race car, COND = CLEAR Car name is Gangster, COND = NIGHT COND = RAINY
Name Condition 1 Condition 2 Condition 3 Condition 4 Otherwise
MP Waste Management is present, COND = QUIET Car name is Special, COND = CROWDED Track direction is normal, COND = NIGHT N/A COND = CLEAR
LG The Swan is present, COND = QUIET Car name is Coupe, COND = CROWDED Forget Me Not is present, COND = CLEAR Car name is Bike, COND = NIGHT COND = RAINY
VY S# contains exactly 3 numbers, COND = QUIET The Radio is present, COND = CLEAR The Stopwatch is present, COND = RAINY # of port plates = # of ports, COND = NIGHT COND = CROWDED
RVA < 2 port plates, COND = CROWDED RCA port is present, COND = CLEAR Bomb Diffusal is present, COND = RAINY A needy is present, COND = NIGHT COND = QUIET
ALP < 2 ports, COND = QUIET The Samsung is present, COND = CROWDED S# contains any from 'ALP', COND = CLEAR RPSLS is present, COND = RAINY COND = NIGHT
WINTC Lunchtime is present, COND = QUIET Radiator is present, COND = CROWDED Car name is Bike, COND = NIGHT N/A COND = CLEAR
COSD > 2 RCA ports, COND = QUIET Car name is Roadster, COND = CROWDED Car name is Buggy, COND = CLEAR Alliances is present, COND = NIGHT COND = RAINY
DOCS Car name is Pickup, COND = QUIET Solves (at generation) = Batteries, COND = CROWDED Unsolved > Solved (at generation), COND = CLEAR Round Keypad is present, COND = RAINY COND = NIGHT
GOLC The Samsung is present, COND = QUIET PS/2 port is present, COND = CROWDED Car name is Race car, COND = RAINY 1+ Strikes, COND = Night COND = CLEAR
TRODR Car name is Coupe, COND = QUIET Car name is Pickup, COND = CLEAR Lit/Unlit FRQ Indicator, COND = RAINY Wires is present, COND = NIGHT COND = CROWDED
BSI Car name is Buggy, COND = QUIET Lit/Unlit MSA Indicator, COND = CROWDED Lightspeed is present, COND = NIGHT N/A COND = CLEAR

Step 3: Number of boosts

Use the following list of instructions to find out how many boosts are needed:

  • If there is more batteries than indicators, the number of boosts is 2.
  • Otherwise, if a lit FRK indicator is present, the number of boosts is 4.
  • Otherwise, if the track condition is RAINY, the number of boosts is 1.
  • Otherwise, the number of boosts is 3.

Step 4: Special input condition

This step will tell you the order of input for each piece of information.

  • If the car name is Supercar or Custom or the track is in reverse, the input sequence is boost amount, car name and track condition.
  • Otherwise, if the car is Compact or Cop car, the input sequence is boost amount, track condition and car name.
  • Otherwise, the input sequence is track condition, car name and boost amount.

Step 5: Hold and release time for boosts

The table below, based on the index of your car, will give a hold condition and a release condition. Whenever the module is in its racing phase, this is how the boosts will happen.

Car Index Hold Condition Release Condition
0–6 When either seconds digits are equal to the index of the car. When the seconds digits are a multiple of three (e.g. 03, 06, 09, 12, etc.).
7–13 When the seconds digits added up equal the first digit of the serial number. When the last seconds digit is a multiple of 2
14–21 When the seconds digits added up equal the (# of indicators + # of port plates). When either seconds digit is equal to the amount of battery holders (e.g. 3 battery holders: 30, 03, 33)


The following conditions can override ANY of the conditions above. That means anything that it says it sets something to will now be the input for that condition.

  • If there are no empty port plates, no unlit indicators, a PS/2 port is present and the serial number contains any character from 'C4TE6', change the car name to 'Drivers ED', the track condition to 'UNSAFE' and there will be no specific timing condition (immediately press and release whenever).
  • If the needy 'Refill that Beer!' is present and there are more than 4 battery holders, change the car name to 'Pickup', the boost amount to '1' and there will be no specific timing condition (immediately press and release whenever).