On the Subject of Catchphrase

Just say what you see.

  • The module shows a round from the TV gameshow Catchphrase.
  • To disarm the module, reveal the hidden image and enter the product of the numbers on the screen.
  • Ignore any letters in the image; they are decoys.
  • Press the green ‘S’ button to submit an answer or the red ‘C’ button to clear.
  • Entering an incorrect answer will cause a strike.
  • The image is hidden by four retractable coloured panels. Each panel will be one of six colours. Colours may be repeated.
  • To reveal the image, press the panels in the right order at the right time.
  • You may enter your final answer at any time, even if you have not uncovered all of the panels.
  • Pressing an incorrect panel or pressing a panel at the wrong time will cause a strike.
  • To calculate the times of the presses, convert all letters of the serial number into equivalent digits (A=1 etc).
  • Find the sum of the converted letters (ignore any original digits in the serial number) and add on the number of lit indicators.
  • The resulting number modulo 10 represents which row of the table you should use.
Press correct panel when the last digit of the bomb’s second timer is:
Panel #1234
If digit is 0:5137
If digit is 1:2864
If digit is 2:0952
If digit is 3:9348
If digit is 4:6275
If digit is 5:1529
If digit is 6:8713
If digit is 7:4086
If digit is 8:3402
If digit is 9:7691
  • Use these instructions to determine which order the panels should be pressed in. The fourth panel will be the only panel remaining at the end.

First Panel

  • If all panels are a unique colour, press a red panel. If a red panel is not present, press the top left panel.
  • Otherwise, if there is at least one empty port plate on the bomb, press a blue panel. If a blue panel is not present, press the bottom right panel.
  • Otherwise, if there is a green panel present, press a purple panel. If a purple panel is not present, press the bottom left panel.
  • Otherwise, if there are more than four batteries on the bomb, press a green panel. If a green panel is not present, press the top right panel.
  • Otherwise, press a yellow panel. If a yellow panel is not present, press an orange panel. If an orange panel is not present, press the top left panel.

Second Panel

  • If the first correct panel was red or green, press a blue panel. If a blue panel is not present, press the top right panel. If you have pressed the top right panel, press the bottom right panel.
  • Otherwise, if the first correct panel was in the top left, press an orange panel. If an orange panel is not present, press the bottom left panel.
  • Otherwise, if the first correct panel was purple or in the bottom right, press a yellow panel. If a yellow panel is not present, press the top right panel. If you have pressed the top right panel, press the top left panel.
  • Otherwise, press a green panel. If a green panel is not present, press a red panel. If a red panel is not present, press the bottom right panel. If you have pressed the bottom right panel, press the top left panel.

Third Panel

  • If the remaining two panels are at the top and the same colour, press the top left panel.
  • Otherwise, if the remaining two panels are on the left and different colours, press the bottom left panel.
  • Otherwise, if the remaining two panels are at the bottom, press the bottom right panel.
  • Otherwise, if the remaining two panels are on the right, press the top right panel.
  • Otherwise, press the first panel in this sequence: red, top left, blue, bottom left, green, bottom right, orange, top right, yellow, purple.