






手がかり 回答
“Are you a solvable vanilla module?” Keypad, Maze, Memory, Password, Wires
“Are you a module by Royal_Flu$h?” Accumulation, Algebra, Blockbusters, Catchphrase, Coffeebucks, Countdown, Hieroglyphics, Homophones, Lightspeed, Maintenance, Modulo, Poker, Quintuples, Retirement, Skyrim, Snooker, Westeros


手がかり 回答
“Are you the other word in a two-word maze module?” Blind, Boolean, Factory, Module, Polyhedral, Scrambler, USA
“Are you the last word of a module that requires audio?” Code, Coffeebucks, Fogey, Hedgehog, Kudosudoku, Listening, Safe, Samples, Sequence, Sequencer, Sounds
“Are you the other word of a module with the word ‘Square’ in it?” Button, Colored, Decolored, Discolored, Divided, Mystic, Uncolored, Varicolored
“Are you a needy module?” Aa, Alpha, Determinants, Edgework, Filibuster, Knob, Math, Pong, Tetris, Wingdings
“Are you a modded port in KTaNE?” AC, HDMI, PCMCIA, USB, VGA
“Are you a vanilla indicator label?” BOB, CAR, CLR, FRK, FRQ, IND, MSA, NSA, SIG, SND, TRN
“Are you a modded module with rule-seed support?” Bitmaps, Boggle, FizzBuzz, Friendship, Mahjong, Radiator
“Are you the other word of a module with the word ‘Button’ or ‘Buttons’ in it?” Bamboozling, Broken, Complicated, Grid, Logical, Masher, Morse, Rapid, Sequence, Spinning, Square, The, Triangle
“Are you the other word of a module with the word ‘Wire’ or ‘Wires’ in it?” Complicated, Perplexing, Placement, Risky, Sequence, Seven, Skinny, Spaghetti, The
“Are you a one-word solvable module without the letters ‘E’ or ‘A’?” Cooking, Countdown, FizzBuzz, Functions, Gridlock, Hunting, Instructions, Kudosudoku, Logic, Modulo, Plumbing, Rhythms, Scripting, Sink, Skyrim, Synonyms, Zoni, Zoo
“Are you the last word of a music-related module?” Chords, Jukebox, Keys, Qualities, Rhythms, Samples, Sequence, Sequencer, Sings


手がかり 回答
“Contact.” Alfa, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo, Foxtrot, Golf, Hotel, India, Juliett, Kilo, Lima, Mike, November, Oscar, Papa, Quebec, Romeo, Sierra, Tango, Uniform, Victor, Whiskey, X-Ray, Yankee, Zulu
“Are you an item from the module Adventure Game?” Balloon, Battery, Bellows, Feather, Lamp, Moonstone, Potion, Stepladder, Sunstone, Symbol, Ticket, Trophy
“Are you a module that should NOT be solved for Turn the Keys?” Astrology, Cryptography, Maze, Memory, Plumbing, Semaphore, Switches
“Are you a possible word from Anagrams?” Barely, Barley, Bleary, Caller, Cellar, Duster, Looped, Master, Poodle, Pooled, Rashes, Recall, Recuse, Rescue, Rudest, Rusted, Seated, Secure, Sedate, Shares, Shears, Stream, Tamers, Teased
“Are you a disease from Dr. Doctor?” Braintenance, Detonession, Emojilepsy, HRV, Indicitis, Jaundry, Jukepox, Legomania, Microcontusion, Narcolization, Neurolysis, OCd, Orientitis, Quackgrounds, Tetrinus, Verticode, Widgeting, XMAs, Zooties
“Are you a Monsplode™?” Aluga, Asteran, Bob, Buhar, Caadarim, Clondar, Docsplode, Flaurim, Gloorim, Lanaluff, Lugirit, Magmy, Melbor, Mountoise, Myrchat, Nibs, Percy, Pouse, Ukkens, Vellarim, Violan, Zapra, Zenlad
“Are you one of the areas in the module 'Murder?'” Ballroom, Conservatory, Hall, Kitchen, Library, Lounge, Study
“Are you a module by Timwi?” Battleship, Bitmaps, Braille, Coordinates, Friendship, Gridlock, Hexamaze, Hogwarts, Kudosudoku, Lasers, Mafia, Mahjong, Souvenir, Superlogic, Tennis, Yahtzee, Zoo
“Are you a person from the module 'Ice Cream?'” Adam, Ashley, Bob, Cheryl, Dave, Gary, George, Jacob, Jade, Jessica, Mike, Pat, Sally, Sam, Sean, Simon, Taylor, Tim, Tom, Victor