On the Subject of Cheating Checkout

What do you mean Chunguscoin hasn’t taken off yet?

Refer to the original manual for further information.

  • For each hack on the display, obtain a value in dollars. Round this to three decimal places.
  • Then, based on the current day, multiply certain hacks by a value. Round this to three decimal places.
    • If it is Monday, multiply all hacks by 1.1
    • Otherwise, if it is Friday, multiply all hacks by 0.9
    • Otherwise, multiply hacks whose sites have the current day of the week in their day column by 0.8
  • Add up the values of every hack. This is the cost in dollars. Divide this by the value of the displayed cryptocurrency to obtain a new number. Round this to three decimal places.
  • Subtract this value from the displayed number to obtain the solution. If this is negative, press submit with nothing entered until the difference is positive.
  • Note that in the calculation tables, S represents the S value of the hacked website.


Site S Day Site S Day Site S Day
repost 74 Thu pointercat 19 Tue usb 37 Sun
color 41 Sun ktane.timwi 95 Wed lol 8 Thu
velvet 58 Sat watch 61 Sat onion 88 Sun
flybird 20 Sat sellcoin 61 Wed collection 59 Wed
razor 66 Sun checkout 38 Tue crunch 52 Tue
locco 67 Thu plant 12 Wed cartoon 69 Sat
blogsite 71 Thu voila 20 Thu ktane 94 Wed
loli 88 Tue anime 41 Sat medicalsite 92 Wed
recoil 82 Sun numerical 35 Wed isight 26 Sat
symbolic 54 Tue grocery 58 Tue galaxydeliver 40 Sun
vilesight 86 Thu random 100 Sun


Note that if a hack fails, a percentage will be given. Multiply the result of the formula by this percentage before rounding.

Method Information Success Cases Formula:
DSA T= Basic: 0.8 P= PCs Used Temp.
Do not
T * P * (S / 5) * D
Advance: 1.2
Supercomp.: 1.6 D= Duration
by 1.25
Quantum: 2.0
Method Information Formula:
W T= Defective: 0.5 I= Infected PCs T * I * (S / 10) * W
Basic: 0.9 W= Normal: 1.0
Advance: 1.3 Lethal: 2.0
Super: 1.75 Spreader: 0.5
Quantum: 2.1
Method Information Success Cases Formula:
C= Simple: 1.0 B= Batches Perm.
by 1.25
T * C * B * (S / 20)
LDAP: 1.8 Advance: 1.2
XPath: 1.25 Complex: 1.5 Host
by 1.5
NoSQL: 2.2
Method Information Formula
XSS T= Ex. Basic: 0.5 P= Programs T * H * (S / 8) * (P / 2)
Basic: 1.0 H= Non-pers: 1.0
Advance: 1.5 Persistent: 1.25
Complex: 2.0 Mutated: 1.5
Unint.: 2.5
Method Information Success Cases Formula:
BFA T= Strong Inject: 2.2 A= Attempts Perm.
by 1.2
(T * A * S) / 5
Sneak: 1.6
Duplication: 1.9 Host
Multiply by 1.4


Currency Value Currency Value Currency Value
$111 $420 $42
$25 $777 $1234
$69 $4.4 $0.5

Shield & Wi-Fi

  • Hacker Shield:
    • Yellow: Pressing any button will strike. Press patch at any time.
    • Red: The module will strike after 30 seconds. Press patch when last timer digit is the last serial number digit.
  • Wi-Fi Connection:
    • Yellow: Certain parts of the display may be obfuscated. Press stabilize when the last two timer digits is equal to the sum of the serial number digits.
    • Red: The display will not function. Press stabilize when the last timer digit is the last serial number digit.