On the Subject of Cheep Checkout

All your bird and water fowl needs, all in one place!

  • This module functions similarly to Cheap Checkout, except the shopping list cannot be seen, and you work at a pet shop, with mainly birds.
  • To figure out which birds they have, listen to the sounds that they make.
  • Pressing the bar will cause the sound to play. You can use the arrow buttons to cycle through the five sounds.
  • If the customer has paid enough money, input how much change they need with the buttons. However, if they have not paid enough (or somehow paid the exact amount), submit no change to tell the customer (because you’re a monster).

The below table shows the bird species, the price, and their call. A call consists of three tones that can be high, medium, or low. Three medium tones can be heard whenever the clear button is pressed.

Species Price Call
Egret $9.01 Low, Low, Medium
Nuthatch $0.99 Low, Low, High
Hummingbird $9.12 Low, Medium, Low
Godwit $5.27 Low, Medium, Medium
Xantus’s Hummingbird $5.51 Low, Medium, High
Jay $8.93 Low, High, Low
Kinglet $7.28 Low, High, Medium
Pipit $1.41 Low, High, High
Vireo $9.67 Medium, Low, Low
Oriole $3.14 Medium, Low, Medium
Dove $2.50 Medium, Low, High
Auklet $3.59 Medium, Medium, Low
Finch $6.90 Medium, Medium, Medium
Chickadee $1.99 Medium, Medium, High
Warbler $3.69 Medium, High, Low
Loon $1.23 Medium, High, Medium
Quail $9.04 Medium, High, High
Ibis $4.10 High, Low, Low
Bluebird $6.33 High, Low, Medium
Umbrellabird $0.01 High, Low, High
Shrike $4.20 High, Medium, Low
Raven $8.00 High, Medium, Medium
Magpie $3.77 High, Medium, High
Zigzag Heron $7.53 High, High, Low
Thrush $2.60 High, High, Medium
Yellowlegs $2.01 High, High, High

If one of the sounds is Low, Low, Low (not on the table) and there is a lit BOB indicator, mash the submit button with no change to solve the module. If there is not a lit BOB, the bird costs nothing.