On the Subject of Chessword
Fortunately this password doesn’t seem to meet standard government security requirements, like not being a chessboard.
Four to six colored diamonds are present on the board, each representing chess pieces. Use the table below to convert the colors of the diamonds to chess pieces.
Red | Orange | Green | Blue | Purple |
Knight | Bishop | Rook | Queen | King |
Each location on the chessboard may either contain a letter or be empty. If the last digit of the serial number is even, use the left board. Otherwise, use the right board.
Finding the Displayed Word
Each piece can have several valid letters. A piece’s valid letters is the set of all tiles that can be captured by the piece, taking into account that pieces can block others. Take the pieces in reading order as positions in a 4–6 letter word, and observe the valid letters for each as possibilities for that position. Only one combination of the possible letters will spell out a word.
Submitting the Word
The submission of the word must be done in a knight’s fashion. Press any square to place your knight there. Pressing a square that can be captured by the knight will move your knight there. Pressing the large star button will add the letter of the current space to your input. Pressing the button at the bottom right will reset your input. Once the length of your input matches the length of the solution word, the module will submit. Pressing a square which is not within the reach of your knight or submitting an incorrect word will incur a strike.