On the Subject of Christmas Presents

the "white album" season

it’s christmas, open presents, click clock at correct time.

otherwise, have a strike.

There are 13 gifts in total.

Marge Simon Bob May Bertie
  1. Count # presents from each person.
  2. X = abs( #Marge + #Simon - #Bob ) + #indicators
  3. Y = max { abs( #May - #Bertie ), 1 } + #ports
  4. Z = (X × Y + #batteries) % 14 + 7
  5. Click module timer when hour time = Z

Notations used:

  • #: number of
  • abs(X): If X is negative, multiply by -1
  • max{ X,Y }: Take value X or Y, whichever is larger
  • %: Modular arithmetic, aka mod