On the Subject of the Condi CM

A machine that knows no bounds when it comes to ciphers.

Create a key using the keyword on screen 1 and the Boolean Expression on screen A. Then place the following underneath the key:


This will be referred to as the Condi Key.

Convert the letter on screen 2 to a Value via the Value Table. This is your starting offset.

If the Submit Button is white, follow the instructions under Encrypt Instructions. Otherwise follow the instructions under Decrypt Instructions.

Encrypt Instructions

  • Find the Nth letter of the encrypted word in the Condi Key.
  • Go to the right a number of times equal to the offset, wrapping around to the left side of the key.
  • The letter you end up on becomes your new decrypted letter.
  • The position of the Nth letter of the encrypted word in the Condi Key becomes your new offset.

Decrypt Instructions

  • Find the Nth letter of the encrypted word in the Condi Key.
  • Go to the left a number of times equal to the offset, wrapping around to the right side of the key.
  • The letter you end up on becomes your new decrypted letter.
  • The position of the Nth letter of the decrypted word in the Condi Key becomes your new offset.

Do this for each letter of the encrypted word to get a decrypted word.

Example 1

Encrypted Word: AIQUR
Starting Offset: 2
Using Encrypt Rules

A → C Offset: 5
I → O Offset: 12
Q → A Offset: 19
U → S Offset: 2
R → T

Decrypted Word: COAST

Example 2

Encrypted Word: IIFAADQ
Starting Offset: 7
Using Decrypt Rules

I → W Offset: 23
I → A Offset: 7
F → I Offset: 4
A → T Offset: 3
A → I Offset: 4
D → N Offset: 6
Q → G

Decrypted Word: WAITING