On the Subject of the Monosodium Glutamate CM
A machine that knows no bounds when it comes to ciphers.
From the Fur Cipher module by MageMage.
Create a key using the keyword on screen 1 and the Boolean Expression on screen A. This will be referred to as Key A.
Create another key using the keyword on screen 2 and the Boolean Expression on screen B. This will be referred to as Key B.
Put 13 dashes above and below Key B, alternating between a space and a dash. If the Boolean Expression on Screen C is true, the 13 dashes above starts with a dash and the 13 dashes below starts with a space. Otherwise, do it the other way around. Replace each dash with the letters in Key A in reading order.
If the Submit Button is white, follow the instructions under Encrypt Instructions. Otherwise follow the instructions under Decrypt Instructions.
Encrypt Instructions
- Find the Nth letter of the encrypted word in Key B.
- Move left X letters, wrapping around to the right side. X is equal to the alphabetic position (A1Z26) of the Nth letter displayed on screen 4 (wrapping around when necessary).
- Move to the letter in Key A that is above/below the column you’re at.
- Find this letter in Key B and replace it with the letter that is above/below in Key A.
- Find that letter in Key A and move right X letters, skipping any spaces, wrapping around to the left side of that row. X is equal to the Nth digit displayed on screen 3.
- The letter you end up on becomes your Nth decrypted letter.