On the Subject of the OwO CM

A machine that knows no bounds when it comes to ciphers.

From the Fur Cipher module by MageMage.

For each letter on screen 1, consider the Base36 character in the same position on screen 2. Take the character, modulo 3, and place this many instances of the letter. Follow this up with a W and add more instances of the letter until you have a total of 3 characters. Write each created string of 3 characters below the previous.

Next read the Letters column by column from left to right and split them up into X groups of 3. X is equal to the length of the encrypted word.

If the Submit Button is white, follow the instructions under Encrypt Instructions. Otherwise follow the instructions under Decrypt Instructions.

Encrypt Instructions

  • Sum the alphabetic positions of the Nth group of letters (A1Z26).
  • Subtract the Nth letter (A1Z26) of the encrypted word by the resulting number.
  • Add 26 to the result until it is in the range of 1–26.
  • Convert the number back into a letter (A1Z26) to get your Nth decrypted letter.

Decrypt Instructions

  • Sum the Nth letter of the encrypted word and the Nth group of letters (A1Z26).
  • Subtract 26 from the result until it is in the range of 1–26.
  • Convert the number back into a letter (A1Z26) to get your Nth decrypted letter.

Example 1

Encrypted Word: ILIM
Screen 1: ONQN
Screen 2: HIM9
Using Encrypt Rules


I - (O + W + Q) → -46 → 6 → F
L - (W + O + N) → -40 → 12 → L
I - (W + N + W) → -51 → 1 → A
M - (N + Q + N) → -32 → 20 → T

Decrypted Word: FLAT

Example 2

Encrypted Word: DBITJ
Screen 1: CQUQE
Screen 2: LUZKH
Using Decrypt Rules


D + W + W + U → 71 → 19 → S
B + Q + E + C → 27 → 1 → A
I + Q + U + Q → 64 → 12 → L
T + E + C + Q → 45 → 19 → S
J + W + W + W → 79 → 1 → A

Decrypted Word: SALSA