On the Subject of the Trifid CM
A machine that knows no bounds when it comes to ciphers.
Create a key using the keyword on screen 1 and the Boolean Expression on screen A. Then write these digit strings underneath the key:
This will be referred to as the Trifid Key.
If the Submit Button is white, follow the instructions under Encrypt Instructions. Otherwise follow the instructions under Decrypt Instructions.
Encrypt Instructions
- Turn each letter of the encrypted word into a 3 digit number using the Trifid Key.
- Write each 3 digit number top to bottom, left to right, creating 3 rows of N digit numbers.
- Read the numbers left to right, top to bottom to get a new sequence of numbers.
- Take each 3 digit number and translate it back into a letter using the key you made.
Decrypt Instructions
- Turn each letter of the encrypted word into a 3 digit number using the Trifid Key.
- Write each 3 digit number left to right, creating 3 rows of N digit numbers.
- Read the numbers top to bottom, left to right to get a new sequence of numbers.
- Take each 3 digit number and translate it back into a letter using the key you made.
You should now have an decrypted word. N equals the length of the encrypted word.