On the Subject of Color Chaser

Peekaboo! I can see you!

This module contains a display, 3 buttons, an LED, and 4 pressable displays.

You are in a random position of a 16 space line. The colors red, yellow, and blue are also in the line. Pressing the scan button will reveal the 4 spaces in front of you on the pressable displays. If any of the colors are on the same space they will display as the color you get when they mix. You can also scan the 4 spaces behind you by pressing the circular button. The LED will light up to let you know you are scanning backwards.

Pressing the pressable displays will allow you to move in the line, with the bottom display moving 1 space and the top 4 spaces. However, every time you move the colors will also move. They each follow a sequence of 3 moves that are 1-4 spaces forward or backward. To solve the module you will need to find out what each sequence of moves is. Note that you and the colors will wrap around when moving off the line.

Once you have each sequence of moves, then it’s time to hunt down and collect each color. Press the collect button to enter collection mode, and the first color to collect will shown on the display. To collect a color, move such that only you and the color will land on the same space. Having any color not on the display land on the same space will result in a strike. Once the first color is collected the next color will be shown. Collect all 3 colors to solve the module. Pressing the scan button when in collection mode will exit collection mode and release any collected colors from your hands.