On the Subject of Commuting
Getting to and from work is a fairly mundane choice, until making the wrong choice has larger consequences than simply missing a meeting.
On the module are 4 buttons with symbols, each representing a method of transport. To defuse this module you have to press two buttons, the first to go to work, the second to get back home.
Stage 1: Going to work
Follow these rules in the order they are listed.
- If the bomb has an indicator labelled BOB, take the bus unless the indicator is lit.
- If the bomb has 3 or more batteries, go by train.
- If the bomb has a lit indicator labelled CAR, drive to work.
- If the bomb has a Stereo plug, cycle to work.
- Walk to work.
Stage 2: Getting home
Follow these rules in reverse order unless the last number of the serial number is higher than 5. Otherwise, follow them in order.
- If you walked to work, cycle home.
- If you drove to work, take the car back. Otherwise, take the train.
- If you took the bus to work, walk home.
- If you have a train ticket and there’s more than 5 minutes leftz on the bomb, ride the bus.
z: If the bomb was started in Zen mode, ignore the timer.
Important: If at any point in time none of the rules apply, press the top left* button unless the serial number has a vowel in it, then press the bottom left* button.
*) If the amount of minutes displayed on the timer is even, use the right button instead.