On the Subject of Congkak

Saya bertarung awak tidak tahu apa maksud ayat ini disebabkan bahasanya bukan bahasa Inggeris.

This module has a Congkak board on it, and inside its holes are several seeds. Congkak is a Malaysian variant of the board game Mancala, where the aim is to gain as many seeds as possible to your store and your holes. The module takes account of the sum of all seeds in your store and holes for each hole played.

Choose any of your holes to play it. Based on the hole chosen:

  • If the hole played is either an empty hole, or it returns the least amount of seeds possible out of other holes, the module will strike, and the game continues its round like normal.
  • Otherwise, if the hole played returns the most amount of seeds possible out of other holes, the module will solve, and the game stops immediately.
  • Otherwise, the game continues its round likes normal.

You may highlight each hole to reveal the number of seeds in that hole (but not the stores), displayed in the bottom left screen of the module.
Refer to Appendix C for the rules of Congkak.

Appendix C

  • Each player controls the seven holes on the side of the board. Your holes are the holes on the board that are closer to you.
  • The big holes on the board are the stores. Your store is the big hole on the bottom right, while the other hole is your opponent’s store.
  • Both players begin simultaneously by selecting a hole to scoop up all the seeds in one of the seven holes on their sides.
  • Each drops a seed into the next hole and continues clockwise depositing one seed into every hole thereafter. A player drops a seed into their store each time they pass it but does not deposit any into their opponent’s store.
  • How the game continues, depends on where the last seed of each scoop is deposited.
    • If the last seed drops into a hole (on either side of the board) containing seeds, the player scoops up all the seeds in that hole and continues distributing them as described above.
    • If the last seed drops into the player’s own store, the player forfeits their turn and stops playing. It is the opponent’s turn now to distribute the seeds.
    • If the last seed drops into the player’s empty hole, the player is entitled to collect the seeds in their opponent’s hole directly opposite their own. These seeds collected from their opponent’s holes together with their last seed are deposited in their own store. If the opponent’s hole opposite their own is empty, they deposit only their last seed in their own store. They forfeit their turn and stop playing. It is the opponent’s turn now to distribute the seeds.
    • If the seed drops into an empty hole belonging to the opponent, the player forfeits their turn and stops playing. It is the opponent’s turn to distribute the seeds.

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