On the Subject of Connection Check

What is this, some kind of circuit visualization? I don’t even care anymore...

  • This module contains 4 number pairs placed on each side of 4 LEDs and a “Check” button.
  • To disarm this module, you must follow these steps:
    1. Find out in which chart you will be looking for connections, using the rules given below.
    2. For each LED look at the numbers on each side of it and check if there is a line connecting the circles denoted with those numbers in the right chart.
    3. If there is such a connection, switch the LED to GREEN, otherwise switch it to RED.
    4. Press the “CHECK” button. If LED positions are correct, the module will disarm. Otherwise the bomb will register a strike.

To determine the right chart on the next page you will need a character of the bomb’s serial number. Use the following rules to find out which character you need. Then, on the next page, search for that character in the codes that label the charts. The chart with a code containing your character is the chart you are looking for.

If the numbers on this module are all different, use the last character of the serial number.
Otherwise, if there is more than one “1” on the module, look at the first character of the serial number.
Otherwise, if there is more than one “7” on the module, look at the last character of the serial number.
Otherwise, if there are at least three “2” on the module, look at the second character of the serial number.
Otherwise, if there is no “5” on the module, look at the fifth character of the serial number.
Otherwise, if there are exactly two “8”s on the module, look at the third character of the serial number.
Otherwise, if there are more than 6 batteries or no batteries on the bomb, look at the last character of the serial number.
Otherwise, count the number of batteries on the bomb. Use that number to decide which character of the serial number you should look at. E.g.: if there are 3 batteries, look at the third character of the serial number.