On the Subject of Constellations
Essential tools for a bomb defuser:
1. Protective Gear
2. Wire Cutter
3. Astrolabev
4. ...
- The module consists of a screen displaying a constellation and four buttons with constellation symbols.
- To disarm the module, press the button with the symbol that matches a constellation in the same sky quadrant as the constellation displayed in the screen. Pressing any other button will cause a strike.
- To identify the constellation displayed on the screen, count the number of stars in it and use tables 1 and/or 2 to obtain its constellation symbol.
- Then, determine which button to press by locating the relevant constellations in the sky map next page.
Note: Traditional constellation symbols are in the public domain. Lyra, Orion, Perseus, Quadrans Muralis, Ursa Major, and Ursa Minor symbols created by Denis Moskowitz and Alec Finlay for the book One Hundred Year Star-Diary and released to the public domain. All other symbols created by Denis Moskowitz and released to the public domain. Find them here.