On the Subject of Coordination
Want to see me index into the table?
Want to see me do it again?
- This module contains a 6×6 grid of buttons, one of which will be colored black.
- Using the coordinate displayed on the black square, index into the table in the manual to receive a coordinate.
- Using the coordinate received in the manual, index that into the module to receive another coordinate.
Repeat this process until there is a spot that has been visited in both the manual and the module.
If a spot has been visited before, move a space to the right, wrapping around if necessary.
If there are six different “loops” contained within one row, submit the starting coordinate.
| A | B | C | D | E | F |
1 | F4 | A2 | E2 | D4 | C5 | E1 |
2 | A3 | F3 | D1 | C2 | E6 | D3 |
3 | C3 | E4 | C4 | B6 | A6 | B5 |
4 | E3 | C1 | D6 | B2 | A1 | E5 |
5 | F1 | F5 | B1 | B3 | D5 | C6 |
6 | F6 | D2 | A4 | B4 | A5 | F2 |