On the Subject of Count to 69420

funni haha.

A Discord channel called #count-to-69420 will be shown on the module.

To solve the module, you must continue the count, but also play some mind games to make sure you get the numbers you like. The base rules of the channel are as follows:

  • Your number should be the previous number in the channel, plus one.
  • When you have typed a number, you must wait for someone else to do the next number before you can send a number again.

To the right of the channel you can see three users who are currently online. Their profile pictures won’t be shown, due to the KTaNE factory running low on money nowadays.

To solve the module, you must perform a simple task: Predict the next number to be typed by the user selected. Repeat this 5 times. When typing a number, the module will record only its last 5 digits.

To determine who will type the next number, evaluate the following. Stop at the first step that gives at least one user.

  1. Take all the users who prefer the next number and are allowed to type it, using the table on page 2.
  2. Take all the users who are allowed to type the next number, but do not prefer it, nor the number after that.
  3. Take all the users who are allowed to type the next number.

If there are multiple users who would count this number, the person for which applies that the expression (number modulo ping) is the lowest will count the number. In case of a tie, take the first person on the online user list who was part of this tie.

The number initially shown on the module was counted by one of the people not currently online.

RdzanuPrefers numbers where the total count of 4s and 7s combined is odd.731
AnAverageArceusPrefers numbers that contain two identical 2-digit sequences. These sequences may overlap.493
mehPrefers numbers that can be represented as an integer to the power of another integer greater than 1.243
DepressoPrefers numbers that do not contain any digit exactly twice.788
BomberJackPrefers numbers which consist of two or fewer different digits.394
AsmirPrefers numbers whose digits alternate between being greater than or equal to 5, and less than 5.818
EltrickPrefers numbers which have an even amount of circles visually.956
gwendolynPrefers numbers where a digit can be removed to make the other digits strictly ascending.597
GhostSaltPrefers numbers which, when written in hexadecimal, return a least significant digit of 8 or higher.614
Lord KabewmPrefers numbers which have an even digital root.234
MaddyMoosPrefers numbers that can be written as a concatenation of Lucas numbers. The Lucas sequence starts with 2, 1 and continues with the sum of the last two terms each time. None of the numbers in the sequence are considered to have leading zeroes.248
DanielstigmanPrefers numbers whose digits share odd/even parity.727
ObviousPrefers odd numbers.383
MásQuéÉlitePrefers numbers whose ternary representation has an even amount of 2s.633
Umbra MorukaPrefers numbers which are either divisible by 7 or have a least significant digit of 7.808
tandyCakePrefers numbers where the absolute difference between its first two digits match that of its last two digits.407
DiceyPrefers numbers divisible by 3.679
PersonPrefers numbers whose square root, rounded to two decimal places after the comma, contain at least one 6.666