On the Subject of Cruello

Easy as...
...it’s not easy.

This module consists of a 6×6 grid of buttons, each labelled with a number from 0–9.

Each of the twelve screens display a number, the sums of the digits in the corresponding rows and columns must be equal to the displayed number.

On top of this, the colour of each display indicates how many buttons of each colour there must be in its corresponding row/column:

  • If the display is white, there are two buttons of each colour in that row/column.
  • Otherwise, the colour of the display is the dominant colour in that row/column.

Pressing a button will toggle it between each of its three states. Each state has a digit that is distinct from the other two states.
Initially, every button is in the magenta state.

Holding a button until a sound is heard will flag the button.
The state of a flagged button cannot be changed until it is unflagged by holding it down again.

Once the grid is configured, press the large magenta button to submit it.
If any rows or columns of digits do not add up to the number shown on its corresponding display or fail to satisfy its colour condition, the border around that display will turn red.

Note: Though it may not necessarily be required, there is always a solution in which every row and column contains at least one button of each colour.