On the Subject of Curriculum
I want to major in anything that takes this combination of classes together.
- You have been lazy through your summer vacation, so taking classes quickly became a matter of life and death - literally.
- On the bomb there is a grid for your schedule, buttons for the five classes you have to take, and a SUBMIT button.
- The class pairs (shown as columns in the next table) are always on the same button.
- However, the locations of the buttons are randomized. You should use the first letter of each class to determine which button is which.
- There is only one class you should be taking in each pair, decided by the following table. (If the character is a letter, simply convert it to its numeric value, A=1, B=2 etc.)
Serial character in the same position is | Even | PHYSICS | PHILOSOPHY | PROGRAMMING | LINGUISTICS | LOGIC |
- Now that you know which classes to take, you should decide which section of that class you should take.
- Each class has 3 different sections that are available, each of which has 2–3 lectures throughout the week. Each lecture is shown as a white cell on the grid.
- Whenever sections of two different classes try to have a lecture on the same slot, it will result in a conflict. These will show up on your schedule marked as red.
- By default, a proper schedule that you can submit should have zero conflicts.
- There are also special conditions, and only one of them is effective for your module.
- Follow the table on the next page to find which condition suits your bomb. Start from the top and whenever you find a fitting condition, stop. Your schedule should accomodate the effects of that condition.