On the Subject of DACH Maze

The roof of the world.

This module has three displays: a large display that shows your current location, and two smaller displays, one that says “DACH”* and one that shows your destination. Use the map and the Abbreviation table below to find the correct path. Use the shapes on the module to cross boundaries between adjacent states, cantons and countries. If you pressed a shape that is not on the border of the region you are currently at, a strike will be recorded.

Since some regions have clashing two-letter abbreviations, you may need to travel to an adjacent region first to determine where you actually are.

Click the map to zoom in.

Black lines represent borders you cannot cross, while white lines represent borders you are allowed to cross. Once you get to your destination, the module is disarmed.

* If the top right panel doesn’t say DACH, you are looking at a different module.

Abbreviation Table (clashes highlighted)

Germany (D)

BB Brandenburg
BE Berlin
BW Baden-Württemberg
BY Bavaria
HB Bremen
HE Hesse
HH Hamburg
MV Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
NI Lower Saxony
NW North Rhine-Westphalia
RP Rhineland-Palatinate
SH Schleswig-Holstein
SL Saarland
SN Saxony
ST Saxony-Anhalt
TH Thuringia

Austria (A)

BU Burgenland
KN Carinthia
NO Lower Austria
NT North Tyrol
OO Upper Austria
OT East Tyrol
SA Salzburg
ST Styria
VO Vorarlberg
WI Vienna

Switzerland (CH)

AG Aargau
AI Appenzell Inner Rhodes
AR Appenzell Outer Rhodes
BE Bern
BL Basel Country
BS Basel City
FR Fribourg
GE Geneva
GL Glarus
GR Grisons
JU Jura
LU Luzern
NE Neuchâtel
NW Nidwalden
OW Obwalden
SG St. Gallen
SH Schaffhausen
SO Solothurn
SZ Schwyz
TG Thurgau
TI Ticino
UR Uri
VD Vaud
VS Valais
ZG Zug
ZH Zürich


FL Liechtenstein