On the Subject of Dreamletters

I’m now more awake, but it seems someone has helped me already. So, I’m going back to bed again.

  • Take down the order of the bits, filled (fully white) being 1 and unfilled (white outline) being 0. The “-” also counts as a bit, but is not a letter/glyph.
  • After taking down these bits, they should have formed a 16 bit string. Split it into groups of 8, 4, and 4, turn them into decimal form and add 1 to the 2nd and 3rd number.
  • Take the first number and add it to the second number and that will give you a position to a glyph that corresponds to the last letter of the serial number.
  • The table below will start at the top-left, which is position 0, and go in reading order. Bottom-right of the table will be position 63. If you must go past 63 in order to get to a glyph, wrap around back to 0.
  • If you land on a glyph that already has a letter attached to it, keep going in reading order until you land on a glyph that has not been taken.
  • Here are the shifting rules:
    • Remove (First SN Digit + 1) digits from left to right and add (First SN Digit + 1) 0s at the right side of the string (Ex. [1111]01 shifted left is 01[0000]). Then, XOR the two strings (1 being true, 0 being false).
    • Remove (Last SN Digit + 1) digits from right to left and add (Last SN Digit + 1) 0s at the left side of the string (Ex. 11[1101] shifted left is [0000]11). Then, XOR the two strings (1 being true, 0 being false).
    • Remove [(Sum of SN Digits % 15) + 1] digits from left to right and add [(Sum of SN Digits % 15) + 1] 0s at the right side of the string (Ex. [1111]01 shifted left is 01[0000]). Then, XOR the two strings (1 being true, 0 being false).
    • This is your new bit string, split this into groups of 4 and turn them into decimal and add one to each and continue placing them into the table from the last placed letter.

Using the Interactive Table

  • Toggle Table: Switches the table between Glyphs and Letter table.
  • Starting Letter: Select which letter is the last letter of your serial number.
  • Reset Table: This will reset the table.
  • Undo: This will undo your previous letter placement.
  • Every new letter will be highlighted in red. Undoing will highlight the previous placed letter in red.