On the Subject of Drive-In Window

By the end of this, you’ll be able to put this language on your resume. Put it next to a bunch of Pokemon names and the recruiters will think you’re some coding master. Then, all you’ll have to do is learn how to code.

On this module you will find a speaker, a play button, a submit button, a screen, and a keypad with numbers 0 through 9. Upon pressing the play button, some lines of code of the esoteric programming language “Drive-In Window” will be spoken aloud to the defuser. Once finished, input an answer based on the value of the first customer at the end of the code using the keypad below, clicking the green button to submit. On inputting an incorrect answer, you will receive a strike and all inputs will be reset. You can press the play button to replay the code at any time the speaker is not playing, and can press the screen to clear any input. Refer to appendix FR1ES to help interpret the code. More information about the language can be found here.


If the serial number contains two 9s and there is a lit CAR indicator, your order is Big Smoke’s order. The answer is 999674545.

Appendix FR1ES

Hi, welcome to restaurant_name. Start of variable declaration.
Here is a menu. List of menu variables. These variables can only be multiples of ten.
Here are your sides. List of side variables. These variables will always be less than ten.
May I take your order? End of variable declaration.
Person N would like menu_item (with side_item). Assign menu_item price (plus side_item) to [person N].

If you say “would also like”, then it just adds the value to [person N].

Person N would like menu_item, hold the side_item. Assign menu_item price minus side_item to [person N].

If you say “would not like”, then it just subtracts the value from [person N]. If you say “would also like”, then it just adds the value [person N].

Let’s just do this until Person N has no more money! Loop the following code until the value of [person N] is 0 or less.
Person N has no more money! End of loop. [If person N] has no more money, continue on in the code. Else, go back to the start of the loop statement.
Person N needs X dollars more/less for his order! Add (or subtract) X from [person N].
Person N would like what Person X has. Copies the value of person X to person N.

If you say “would also like”, then it just adds [person X]’s value to [person N].

Person N will pay for his order! Output [person N]’s value. This is the value you will submit.
OK, that will be X dollars. Thanks for coming! End of the program.
Code Meaning
Person N would like what Person X has. Copies the value of person X to person N.

If you say “would also like”, then it just adds [person X]’s value to [person N].

Person N will pay for his order! Output [person N]’s value. This is the value you will submit.
OK, that will be X dollars. Thanks for coming! End of the program.