On the Subject of Dungeon

*Rolls for initiative*

Brave adventurer! Will you be strong enough to overcome the dangers of the Dungeon? Armed with your sharp sword and trusty shield, venture into the depths of this maze and defeat its many foes!

  • You find yourself in a dungeon. Your only options to progress are the following movements: forward, left, right.
  • At each stage, only one movement is correct. Using any other action will result in a strike.
  • Follow the instructions to find the correct movements at each stage.
  • When the LED on the module lights up, it means you have encountered an enemy.
  • Each enemy requires a certain set of actions to be executed in order to be defeated.
  • Using the wrong action against an enemy will result in a strike. The correct actions used do not reset.
  • Follow the instructions to find the correct sequence of actions.
  • After an enemy is deafeated, the light will turn off, and you can resume progressing through the dungeon.
  • The module is solved after 15 stages have been completed.


The dungeon’s level varies during the module between easy (1), medium (2), and hard (3). If the level would decrease while it is already on easy, it stays the same. The same applies if the level would go up while it is on hard.

The starting level is easy. When you proceed to stage 6, increase the level by 1. When you proceed to stage 11, increase the level by 1.

Finding a movement

For each stage, find the stage’s dice roll using the following table. If roll > 9, subtract 10 until it is less than 10. If the roll would be negative, it is positive instead (so -3 becomes 3).

x = roll; y = Stage number; z = Previous roll; m = Last monster fought. Refer to the codex for a monster’s number.

Stage 1 x = first serial numeral
Stages 2 to 5 x = y + z
Stages 6 to 10 x = |z - m|
Stages 11 to 15 If level = 1, x = The roll at stage( y - 10 ). Increase the level by 1 after this stage.
If level = 2, x = The roll at stage( y - z - 1). If x < 2, decrease the level after this stage. If x > 7, increase the level after this stage
If level = 3, x = ( The roll at stage( y - 5 ) ) + m. Decrease the level by 1 after this stage.

Once you found the dice roll: move to the left if the roll is less than 3, forward if the roll is between 3 and 6 (included), and to the right if the roll is above 6.


  • When the light on the module turns on, it means you are in combat. Use the following table to find your monster list.
  • A combat occurs between two stages. The previous stage is considered completed, including any level modification occuring after the stage is completed.
  • This means for example that if a fight occurs after stage 10, the stage is considered completed, but stage 11 has not begun, and the level does not increase for the fight.
  • Once the fight is over, proceed to stage 11 and then increase the level.
Level = 1 Bat, Snake, Ghost, Zombie
Level = 2 Cyclops, Golem, Lich, Ghoul
Level = 3 Dragon, Demon, Rabbit, Vampire
??? Last monster

The monster you are fighting is the first one from your list that you have not fought yet. Use the codex to find the action sequence required to beat the monster. If you have fought all the monsters from a list, fight the first monster you have not fought in the list 1 level above. If all monsters from the higher level lists have been fought, or there is higher level, fight the Last monster. This does not change the current level of the dungeon. Movements used in combat are not counted as movement, but as actions. As such, they do not change the current stage, difficulty, or dice roll.

Appendix A: Monster codex

Name Number Actions
Bat 1
Cyclops 5
Demon 10
Dragon 9
Ghost 3
Ghoul 8
Golem 6
Last monster 13
Lich 7
Rabbit 11
Rabbit (if BOB indicator) 11
Snake 2
Vampire 12
Zombie 4

? = Second to last action of the previous monster fought.