On the Subject of Encrypted Memory

What do you mean the instructions are right there!? I can not read that!

This module consists of 4 buttons with numbers, a screen, and 5 stage lights. To disarm this module, follow the instruction displayed on the screen, 5 times in a row. Incorrect presses will reset the module back to stage 1. Positions are numbered 1 - 4 from left to right.

The instructions for each stage will take an encryption based on what stage the defuser is on, which can be determined by adding 1 to the number of lit LEDs on the right. Undo the encryption to obtain the original instruction. Be prepared for instructions that require other stages.

  1. No encryption.
  2. Digits Caesar Shifted by +5 or +10. (Using 0-9)
  3. Letters Caesar Shifted by +5 or +10.
  4. Digits and Letters Caesar Shifted by +5 or +10. (Separately, digits use 0-9)
  5. Digits and Letters Caesar Shifted by +5 or +10. (Together, using 0-9, A-Z, in that order)
Press the button...
L# ... With the label #.
P# ... In the #th position.
LS#C ... With the same label as the button pressed in stage #.
PS#C ... In the same position as the button pressed in stage #.
LS#1P#2 ... With the same label as the button in the #2th position on stage #1.
PS#1L#2 ... In the same position as the button labeled #2 on stage #1.

Options (Alt-O)


Color: (Alt-1)
Highlights: (Alt-C)

Page layout


Dark Mode


Developer mode
