On the Subject of Flowchart Madness

Madness... is like gravity...

On the display will be a random, four-character string comprised of digits, Latin and Greek symbols, and/or Smiley Glyphs. To solve the module, follow the numbered steps below in order, then input a series of button presses using the 1 - 8 buttons on the module. The steps required to solve the module are as follows:

  1. Identify your starting position in the flowchart
  2. Calculate the number of moves you need to make
  3. Perform the calculated number of moves on the flowchart
  4. Use the ending location to find and perform your sequence of inputs

1. Identifying the Starting Position

The flowchart used in this module can be found in Appendix C. It is comprised of 44 unique “cells”, each indexed from 0 to 43. This index is listed in the top right of each cell and is referred to as the “cell ID”. Each cell also includes an array of colored shapes and segments for true and false results, all of which will be covered in Step 3. Below you will be calculating your “Starting Cell ID”. This will be the index of the cell you'll start on once you begin moving through the flowchart. Simply follow the instructions listed below and take note of your final result. To identify symbols, their Numeric Values, and equivalent symbols, reference Appendix A.

  • If exactly 3 symbols on the display are equivalent, Starting Cell ID = # of batteries present on the bomb
  • Otherwise, if any 2 symbols on the display are equivalent, Starting Cell ID = # of ports present on the bomb
  • Otherwise, your Starting Cell ID will be the right-most digit of the sum of all of the Numeric Values of each symbol on the display.
    • Ex: Displayed characters =
    • has a Numeric Value of 16
    • Likewise, = 12, = 3, and = 24
    • 16 + 12 + 3 + 24 = 45
    • The right-most digit of 45 is 5, so your Starting Cell ID is 5

2. Calculating the number of moves

To calculate the number of moves you need to make, take all the characters in the serial number and find all of their Numeric Values using Appendix A. Then, add all of those values up and modulo it by 44. This is how many moves you'll have to make.

  • Ex: Serial# = M50LF6
  • 13 + 5 + 10 + 12 + 6 + 6 = 52
  • 52 mod 44 = 8
  • Your total number of moves you'll need to make is 8

3. Perform the movements on the Flowchart

Below is the basic structure of a cell in the flowchart. Each cell has its Cell ID in the top right, numbered 0 - 43 (1). In the middle are colored shapes, which will determine whether the cell you're currently in is true or false (2). After determining if the cell is true or false, look to the bottom of the cell in the corresponding box (3 and 4). Make a move to the cell in the flowchart whose Cell ID matches that number. A “move” is considered made once you leave and enter a new cell in the flowchart. When you're ready, reference Appendix C for the flowchart.

Understanding the Shapes

  • Circles: Circles are true if any displayed Smiley Glyphs are considered “Happy”. Circles are false otherwise. Check Appendix B for determining Smiley Glyph emotions.
  • Squares: Squares are true if the addition of any two displayed symbol's Numeric Values equals a square number. Squares are false otherwise.
  • Triangles: Triangles are true if any displayed Latin characters match a character in any indicator on the bomb. Triangles are false otherwise.
  • Skulls: Skulls are true if the number of strikes on the bomb is greater than 0. Skulls are false otherwise.

Understanding the Colors

Shapes in each cell will be colored one of the following colors, making it part of that color's Logic Group. For a cell to be considered true, every Logic Group within the cell must return true. Otherwise, the cell is considered false. Not every Logic Group will be represented within each cell. The rules for each Logic Group are listed below.

  • Red: Every shape colored red must return false for this Logic Group to be considered true.
  • Blue: Every shape colored blue must either all be true or all be false for this Logic Group to be considered true.
  • Green: Out of every green shape present, at least one green shape must be true for this Logic Group to be considered true.
  • White: White shapes are not evaluated as a group, but are instead evaluated as individual shapes. Each White shape is considered its own Logic Group, and its output is whatever the output is of the shape.
  • Purple: Do not evaluate any purple shapes. Purple shapes indicate that all shapes matching the purple one within the cell will have their true or false states flipped before evaluating their Logic Group state.

Ex: If two red circles are present in a cell and circles are considered true, the red Logic Group evaluates to false. However, if two red and one purple circle are present and circles are considered true, the red Logic Group now evaluates to true.

4. Locate and Perform the Input Rule

Begin moving through the flowchart by starting in the cell that matches your previously calculated Starting Cell ID. Your number of moves always starts at 0. Make all of your required moves and take note of the cell that you landed on at the very end. This is your Final Cell, and its ID is your Final ID. In the chart below, find your Final ID on the left, and check the accompanying Input Rule. This will give you instructions about what buttons to press and/or when to press them. Once you have your Input Rule, relay the information to the Defuser for them to solve the module. The module will only solve when the entire string of digits is input correctly. If you mess up an input, you can press the RESET button and try again.

BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE! After following your Input Rule to completion, there is a 50/50 chance the module won't solve. Don't panic! Simply look to the right of the Input Rule and follow the instructions under the “If My Flowchart Madness Module Doesn't Solve” column of the chart.

Final IDInput RuleIf My Flowchart Madness Module Doesn't Solve
0Press 12345678 in that orderN/A
1Press 87654321 in that orderPress 12345678
2Press 1248163264128256512N/A
3Press 11223344 in that orderPress 55
4Press 1 until the module solvesKeep pressing 1
5Press 1234Press 4321
6 Press the Numeric Value of each Greek symbol displayed mod 8 plus 1 in reading order. If no Greek symbols are displayed, press 7482 Press 7482, the Greeks just want to make sure you're confident that that's your answer
7 For each symbol displayed, in reading order, calculate its Numeric Value mod 8 plus 1 and input that number into the module Take the code just entered and add one to each number (9s become 1s). Enter that code into the module
8 Press 8 N/A
9 Take note of the positions of each displayed symbol whose Numeric Value is equal to 9. The leftmost symbol has position 1, the next is 2, and so on. Press the button(s) in ascending order of those positions. If no displayed symbol's Numeric Value is equal to 9, press 8 Press 8 9 times
10Press 7 until the module solvesKeep pressing 7
11Press 1, then 1Press 72558243811
12Press 2N/A
Final IDInput RuleIf My Flowchart Madness Module Doesn't Solve
13Press 71858312Press 44218273
14For every move you made in the Flowchart, press 5Press 5 again, maybe you miscalculated?
15Press 2 until the module solvesKeep pressing 2
16Press 2468 in that order until the module solvesN/A
17 If any displayed symbols are an “S”, “U”, “M”, “E”, or “R” equivalent, press 6 and enjoy some Beach Boys tunes. If there are no displayed symbols that are an “S”, “U”, “M”, “E”, or “R” equivalent, press 7 and enjoy some Christmas classics N/A
18 Every button press you make will randomly shuffle the displayed symbols. For your first press and every press afterward, press the key equal to the Numeric Value of the first symbol in reading order mod 8 plus 1. Press a total of 10 buttons this way to solve the module. NOTE: Striking on this Input Rule will cause the displayed symbols to change, so you'll need to recalculate everything from the beginning. Repeat the same process, but instead look at the last symbol in reading order
19Press 8 until the module solvesKeep pressing 8
20Press 3 until the module solvesKeep pressing 3
21Press 8Follow Input Rule 22
22Press 6Follow Input Rule 23
23Press 3Follow Input Rule 24
24Press 4Follow Input Rule 25
Final IDInput RuleIf My Flowchart Madness Module Doesn't Solve
25Press 5Find the Final ID row that corresponds to the first key you've pressed on the module. Follow that row's Input Rule
26 Press the Numeric Value of each Smiley Glyph displayed mod 8 plus 1 in reading order. If no Smiley Glyphs are displayed, press 1835 Press 1835. I'm sure they were just... y'know, I have no idea what those guys are thinking about.
27 Y'know, it's always good to take a break from the stresses of life and just enjoy the moment. Stress kills, y'know. So, in the spirit of positive change and mental health, take this time to reflect and be thankful for the life you were given. Life's a beautiful thing, and we all gotta stop and smell the roses sometimes. Press 7 when you're done reflecting and have a wonderful rest of your day. If you feel as though you've neglected to contact a loved one recently, reconnect with them in whatever way is best and let them know that you love them too. Finish the bomb first, but keep it in mind.
28 Press 1 Calculate each displayed symbol's Numeric Value and add them together. Calculate that sum mod 44 and perform that Input Rule
29Press 7N/A
30Press 4 until the module solvesKeep pressing 4
Final IDInput RuleIf My Flowchart Madness Module Doesn't Solve
31 For each Greek character displayed, press 6. If none are present, press 6 If there are more Smiley Glyphs than Greek letters displayed, press 1 to symbolize one nation united under Smiley rule. If there are more Greek letters than Smiley Glyphs displayed, press 8 to represent a vertical infinity, the endless upward progress of the Greek empire. If there are an equal amount of Smiley Glyphs and Greek Letters present, press 365 to represent the days in the year that all Smiley Glyph revolutionaries will spend in jail for their insurection.
32 Press 2, then press 5. Hehe get it? 'Cause... 2 to the power of 5 is... is 32? Do you... didcha get it? Oh, c'mon, that was clever, you gotta admit, right? Hey, don't hate the joke, just be glad it's only two buttons! Geez...ungrateful...
Final IDInput RuleIf My Flowchart Madness Module Doesn't Solve
33 Okay, listen to me, Expert. Don't read this out loud until I tell you, the Defuser can't see what's going on here, so it's just you and me. If you're on a time crunch, I totally understand, just tell the Defuser to press 1 and the module will solve, no if, ands, or buts. But, if you want to pull a funny practical joke, follow the instructions in the “Additional if True” box next to this one. Awesome! Alright here's the gravy: you're going to act like the worst possible thing has happened, we're talking like “having to do another hour of computations” levels of grunts and groans of agony. Tell the Defuser to press any key except 1. When the display changes, have the Defuser read out what's there. Act increasingly shocked with each symbol they read out, tell them to not press ANYTHING, then tell them you have to go and calculate a bunch of stuff. If you need some acting help, the module will display symbols for maze coordinates: Latin Letter, Digit, and two Greek Letters. These symbolize column, row, and wall configuration respectively, but they literally mean nothing. Go take a break or something and leave the Defuser to just sit there for a few minutes. Come back and act really unsure and scared, then tell them to press buttons (NOT 1) in sequence until the display turns to a bunch of Smiley Glyphs. Then laugh at them! Any button pressed after that will solve the module.
34 Press the Numeric Value of every displayed Digit mod 8 plus 1 in reading order. If no Digits are displayed, press 3174 Press 3174 again
35 Add up the Numeric Values of each displayed symbol. Take this number mod 8 plus 1 and press that number Perform the same process as before, but only for the second and fourth symbols
Final IDInput RuleIf My Flowchart Madness Module Doesn't Solve
36 Press 5 until the module solves Keep pressing 5
37 Press 31765331367126 in that order Follow Input Rule 38
38 Press 18185873761515 in that order Follow Input Rule 37
39 Press 1357 in that order until the module solves N/A
40 Press 4 40 times Press 3
41 Press 5 N/A
42 Press 6 until the module solves Keep pressing 6
43 Calculate each displayed symbol's Numeric Value mod 8 plus 1. Press the numbers on the module that you did not get as a reults of your calculations in descending numerical order. Press all the numbers on the module that you did get from your calculations in ascending numerical order

Appendix A: Symbol Glossary

Below is a chart of every possible displayable symbol. Equivalent symbols are any symbols whose Numeric Values are the same.

DigitsLatin LettersGreek LettersSmiley GlyphsNumeric Values
DigitsLatin LettersGreek LettersSmiley GlyphsNumeric Values

Appendix B: Determining Smiley Glyph Emotions

Smiley Glyphs are made through a combination of a set of eyes and a mouth. Based on these features, each Smiley Glyph also has an emotion: Happy or Sad. The emotion can be determined by calculating E, the Smiley Glyphs “Happiness Score”. For each Smiley Glyph, the Happiness Score will start at 0 and will be modified based on the chart below. Follow the chart from top to bottom, stopping and performing the required action when the Smiley Glyph in question has the accompanying feature.

Smiley Glyph Feature Augment to Happines Score
E = -1
If there are no indicators on the bomb, E = 3. Otherwise, E = -3
If there are an even amount of batteries on the bomb, E = 1. Otherwise, E = -6
or E = -5
Do nothing
Add 4 to E
Subtract 4 from E
Multiply E by -1
Subtract 100 from E
This Smiley Glyph is always considered Sad. Just look at the guy, for Pete's sake...

If your Happiness Score is 0 or greater, the Smiley Glyph in question is Happy. Otherwise, the Smiley Glyph is considered Sad.

Appendix C: The Flowchart