





  • * (アスタリスク)
  • † (ダガー
  • ‡ (ダブルダガー)
  • § (セクション)
  • ¶ (パラグラフ)
  • || (平行線)
  • ** (2つのアスタリスク)
  • †† (2つのダガー)
  • ‡‡ (2つのダブルダガー)


  • blue、red、green、yellow
  • A、B、D、C
  • 1、2、3、4
  • top right、bottom left、top left、bottom right
  • different from、above、right of、left of、below、diagonally adjacent to、orthagonally adjacent to、vertically adjacent to、horizontally adjacent to、the same as
  • number of port plates、number of ports、number of indicators、number of battery holders、last digit of the bomb’s serial number、number of batteries、second digit of the bomb’s serial number、first digit of the bomb’s serial number
  • is up or down from、is left or right from、is next in reading order from、is exactly、is diagonal from、is previous in reading order from
  • is less than、is greater than、is equal to、is within two of、is less than or equal to、is greater than or equal to、is within one of、is more than two away from

  • blue、green、red、yellow
  • D、B、A、C
  • 3、2、1、4
  • bottom left、bottom right、top left、top right
  • right of、vertically adjacent to、different from、left of、horizontally adjacent to、below、above、diagonally adjacent to、the same as、orthagonally adjacent to
  • second digit of the bomb’s serial number、number of ports、number of battery holders、last digit of the bomb’s serial number、number of batteries、first digit of the bomb’s serial number、number of port plates、number of indicators
  • is diagonal from、is previous in reading order from、is left or right from、is next in reading order from、is exactly、is up or down from
  • is within two of、is greater than or equal to、is greater than、is equal to、is less than or equal to、is within one of、is more than two away from、is less than

  • red、blue、yellow、green
  • B、A、D、C
  • 4、2、3、1
  • top right、top left、bottom right、bottom left
  • orthagonally adjacent to、left of、the same as、horizontally adjacent to、above、below、vertically adjacent to、right of、diagonally adjacent to、different from
  • number of batteries、number of battery holders、last digit of the bomb’s serial number、number of indicators、number of port plates、first digit of the bomb’s serial number、second digit of the bomb’s serial number、number of ports
  • is previous in reading order from、is exactly、is diagonal from、is up or down from、is next in reading order from、is left or right from
  • is greater than、is greater than or equal to、is less than or equal to、is less than、is more than two away from、is equal to、is within one of、is within two of


  • yellow、blue、green、red
  • C、A、B、D
  • 1、3、4、2
  • top left、bottom right、bottom left、top right
  • the same as、orthagonally adjacent to、diagonally adjacent to、left of、horizontally adjacent to、right of、vertically adjacent to、different from、above、below
  • last digit of the bomb’s serial number、number of indicators、number of batteries、number of ports、first digit of the bomb’s serial number、second digit of the bomb’s serial number、number of battery holders、number of port plates
  • is next in reading order from、is diagonal from、is previous in reading order from、is exactly、is up or down from、is left or right from
  • is less than or equal to、is equal to、is within one of、is greater than、is within two of、is less than、is more than two away from、is greater than or equal to

  • red、yellow、blue、green
  • A、C、D、B
  • 2、4、1、3
  • top right、bottom left、bottom right、top left
  • diagonally adjacent to、the same as、above、right of、left of、different from、below、orthagonally adjacent to、vertically adjacent to、horizontally adjacent to
  • number of indicators、number of port plates、number of battery holders、number of ports、number of batteries、second digit of the bomb’s serial number、last digit of the bomb’s serial number、first digit of the bomb’s serial number
  • is left or right from、is up or down from、is exactly、is next in reading order from、is previous in reading order from、is diagonal from
  • is equal to、is less than or equal to、is greater than or equal to、is greater than、is within two of、is more than two away from、is within one of、is less than


  • blue、red、yellow、green
  • B、C、A、D
  • 4、2、3、1
  • top right、bottom right、top left、bottom left
  • the same as、diagonally adjacent to、orthagonally adjacent to、vertically adjacent to、below、right of、different from、left of、above、horizontally adjacent to
  • number of batteries、number of battery holders、last digit of the bomb’s serial number、first digit of the bomb’s serial number、number of indicators、number of ports、number of port plates、second digit of the bomb’s serial number
  • is up or down from、is previous in reading order from、is diagonal from、is exactly、is left or right from、is next in reading order from
  • is equal to、is greater than、is less than、is within two of、is less than or equal to、is greater than or equal to、is within one of、is more than two away from


  • green、yellow、blue、red
  • D、B、A、C
  • 4、2、3、1
  • top left、bottom left、bottom right、top right
  • horizontally adjacent to、diagonally adjacent to、above、left of、right of、below、vertically adjacent to、different from、the same as、orthagonally adjacent to
  • number of port plates、number of batteries、second digit of the bomb’s serial number、number of indicators、first digit of the bomb’s serial number、number of ports、last digit of the bomb’s serial number、number of battery holders
  • is next in reading order from、is left or right from、is exactly、is diagonal from、is up or down from、is previous in reading order from
  • is less than、is within two of、is greater than、is greater than or equal to、is more than two away from、is within one of、is equal to、is less than or equal to


  • yellow、green、red、blue
  • A、C、D、B
  • 4、2、3、1
  • bottom left、bottom right、top right、top left
  • below、horizontally adjacent to、right of、different from、vertically adjacent to、diagonally adjacent to、the same as、orthagonally adjacent to、above、left of
  • number of indicators、number of port plates、second digit of the bomb’s serial number、number of batteries、first digit of the bomb’s serial number、last digit of the bomb’s serial number、number of battery holders、number of ports
  • is exactly、is left or right from、is next in reading order from、is up or down from、is previous in reading order from、is diagonal from
  • is less than or equal to、is greater than、is more than two away from、is greater than or equal to、is equal to、is within one of、is within two of、is less than


  • green、red、blue、yellow
  • B、C、D、A
  • 4、1、3、2
  • top left、bottom right、bottom left、top right
  • orthagonally adjacent to、left of、horizontally adjacent to、different from、above、the same as、diagonally adjacent to、vertically adjacent to、below、right of
  • number of port plates、second digit of the bomb’s serial number、number of indicators、last digit of the bomb’s serial number、number of battery holders、number of batteries、number of ports、first digit of the bomb’s serial number
  • is exactly、is next in reading order from、is up or down from、is diagonal from、is previous in reading order from、is left or right from
  • is more than two away from、is greater than、is less than、is less than or equal to、is equal to、is greater than or equal to、is within one of、is within two of


  • ボタンは真上や真下、左右に自身を配置できない。ボタンは自身と「is exactly」や「is equal to」、「the same as」であり、自身と異なることはない。
  • 「Orthagonally adjacent to」はそれと上下左右のいずれかに隣接していることを指す。
  • 「Reading order」は左から右、上から下に読むことである。読み順で端を通過する場合、もう片方の端にループする。
  • 赤のボタンは、左上から右下に線が引かれている。黄のボタンは右、上から左下に線が引かれている。青のボタンは垂直に線が引かれている。緑のボタンに線は引かれていない。

* 物事が容易にできること。とても易しいこと。



vertically adjacent to縦に隣接しているhorizontally adjacent to横に隣接している
diagonally adjacent to対角線上に隣接しているorthagonally adjacent to垂直に隣接している
the same as〜と同じdifferent from〜と異なる
left of〜の右left of〜の左

is greater than〜より大きいis less than〜より小さい
is equal to〜と等しいis less than or equal to〜以下
is greater than or equal to〜以上is within one of〜との差が1以内
is within two of〜との差が2以内is more than two away from〜との差が2より大きい