On the Subject of Forget Me Later

FML. I mean Forget Me Later.

Initially, the module will cycle through a sequence of digits shown on the bottom screen.
This sequence has as many steps as there are regular modules on the bomb.

A input is required after every solve. This input is abs(In) mod 10.
The two last inputs are shown on the bottom screen upon activating the module.

If an incorrect input is made, the correct input will be shown on the bottom screen and the sequence of original digits will be shown once again before the buttons can be pressed.

A strike will be incurred from each incorrect input, or each skipped stage.

In the table below:

  • R refers to the received digit for that stage.
  • In-1 refers to the last input for that stage.
  • In-2 refers to the second-last input for that stage.
f In f In f In
0 R 20 In-2 40 5 + R
1 1 + R 21 In-2 + 1 41 5 + In-1
2 2R 22 2In-2 42 5 + In-2
3 R + In-1 23 In-2 + R 43 R + 2In-1
4 In-1 - R 24 2(In-1 + In-2) 44 R + 2In-2
5 In-1 - In-2 25 2(In-1 + R) 45 In-1 + 2R
6 In-2 - R 26 2(In-2 + R) 46 In-2 + 2R
7 R + In-1 + 1 27 2(In-1 - In-2) 47 In-2 - 2In-1
8 R + In-2 + 1 28 2(In-1 - R) 48 R - 2In-1
9 In-1 + In-2 + 1 29 2(In-2 - R) 49 In-1 - 2In-2
10 In-1 30 3R 50 9 - R
11 In-1 + 1 31 3In-1 51 9 - In-1
12 2In-1 32 3In-2 52 9 - In-2
13 In-1 + In-2 33 3(In-1 + In-2) 53 18 - R - In-1
14 R - 1 34 In-2 + 3In-1 54 18 - R - In-2
15 In-1 - 1 35 In-1 + 3R 55 18 - In-1 - In-2
16 In-2 - 1 36 In-2 + 3R 56 18 - 2R
17 In-1 + R - 1 37 R + 3In-1 57 9 - abs(In-1 - R)
18 In-2 + R - 1 38 R + 3In-2 58 9 - abs(In-2 - R)
19 In-1 + In-2 - 1 39 In-1 + 3In-2 59 9 - abs(In-1 - In-2)