On the Subject of Forget Our Voices
Since when the boss has its own voice? It’s like auditory challenge but worse!
This module presents 10 buttons, labeled 0 to 9, a smaller screen which displays the stage number, and a bigger play button.
By pressing the play button, a digit will be spoken loud to you. Take note of the speaker’s name and the digit.
Every time a non-ignored module is solved, the stage number will increase, and by pressing the play button again the digit spoken and the speaker behind it may change.
Take note of this information in every stage, then input a modified number string at the end to solve the module.
The voiceclips used in the module can be found in Appendix VOIC3.
You can press the play button for any number of times, either in a stage or in recovery mode.
Modifying a number string
- For the first stage, use the third and sixth digits of the serial number as the row and column respectively, in Table B below. The top left cell is (0, 0).
- Locate the name of the speaker in the stage in Table A below. Next, for each subsequent stage:
- Locate the name of the speaker of the previous stage and this stage in Table A.
- If both names share the same row/column, the allowed directions are north, east, west, and south. Otherwise, the allowed directions are northeast, southeast, southwest, and northwest.
- Next, take the name in this stage and determine the closest direction to take to get to this name, starting from the name in the previous stage, only using the allowed directions above.
- In Table B, move towards this direction, one cell, from the cell used in the previous stage, wrapping around if necessary.
- If both the name of the previous stage and this stage are the same, then no direction is involved, therefore use the cell used in the previous stage in Table B.
- Refer to the instructions in the next page to modify each digit by using the cell in Table B.