On the Subject of Forgetful Grid

“You merged the wrong layers again, didn’t you?”

  • This module contains a 5×5 touch-screen grid, three displays on the right side of the grid, a display above the grid, and a submit button.
  • The green number on the display next to the submit button is the stage number. The display next to the submit button will from now on be referred to as the “stage counter”.
  • At the start of the bomb, the module will be on stage 0. While the module is on stage 0, the three displays on the side of the module will be blank, meaning there is no information to take note of. There will be a white number on the stage counter, either a 2, 3, or 4. Take note of this number, as it will be important during the solving process and it will only appear on stage 0.

Obtaining Information:

  • Note: During this section, the grid can’t be interacted with. You can touch the squares all you want, but they won’t do anything.
  • Every time a non-ignored module is solved, Forgetul Grid will advance one stage. The stage counter will increase by one to signify this.
  • During a stage, each of the three displays on the right side of the grid will alternate between two coordinates each. Each coordinate can be one of four colors (turquoise, lime, magenta, or orange). These six coordinates will be referred to as a “set” from now on.
    • Note: If colorblind is activated, the first letter of the color will appear for all three displays before continuing to the next set of coordinates.
  • Make sure you keep a note of all six coordinates in the set and their respective colors. When another non-ignored module is solved, a new set will be displayed.
  • Repeat this process for every non-ignored module on the bomb. Once every non-ignored module is solved, please report to the “Solving Process” section of this manual.

Solving Process

  • When solving, pressing a square on the grid will change its color in the order [Orange, Lime, Turquoise, Magenta, Empty].
  • The defuser will need to re-enter all the coordinates from every stage.
  • Every 2, 3, or 4 coordinate sets will be layered onto one grid. The amount of sets being combined was determined by the number displayed on the stage counter during stage 0.
  • We will call a group of sets layered onto one grid a “combined set” from now on.
  • Use the table below to determine which order the sets will be layered on top of each other.
    • The “n sets” in the black box in the top left of each table represents how many sets are in each combined set (the number from stage 0).
    • Find the row containing the number that is equivalent to the last digit of the serial number.

Click a row to clone it on the last page.

2 SetsFirst SetSecond Set
1, 3, 5, 7, 9HighestLowest
2, 4, 6, 8, 0LowestHighest
3 SetsFirst SetSecond SetThird Set
1, 4, 7, 0HighestLowestMiddle
2, 5, 8MiddleHighestLowest
3, 6, 9LowestMiddleHighest
4 SetsFirst SetSecond SetThird SetFourth Set
1, 5, 9Highest2nd Highest2nd LowestLowest
2, 6, 02nd LowestHighestLowest2nd Highest
3, 7Lowest2nd Lowest2nd HighestHighest
4, 82nd HighestLowestHighest2nd Lowest

Here is an example diagram with three sets and how they would layer on top of each other:

First Set
Second Set
Third Set
Combined Set
  • The stage counter will display how many combined sets are left.
  • Combined sets must be entered in order, starting from the first one (stages 1 through 2-4).
  • After entering a combined set into the grid, press the submit button. If the defuser is correct, then the grid will clear itself and the number on the stage counter will decrease by one. Then enter the next combined set and repeat.
  • If a combined set is entered incorrectly, a strike will be given. Then the three displays on the right side will cycle through all the coordinates that make up the correct combined set. The number on the stage counter will turn yellow and display the stage number for each set of coordinates as it cycles through them. Pressing any square on the grid will revert the module back to normal, and you can continue from where you left off.
  • If the total number of regular sets is not enough to form a whole amount of combined sets (for example, there are 11 sets total but every 3 sets must be combined, leaving 2 remaining on the last stage), simply layer the remaining sets on the last stage as usual.
  • After submitting the final combined set, the module will be solved.
  • The grid on the module will be labeled with the letters A-E and numbers 1-5. However, the axis and order of them may vary between each Forgetful Grid module.
1 - 2

Interactive Controls

  • In Stages mode:
    • Click on a cell to cycle through colors (Orange, Lime, Turquoise, Magenta, Empty).
    • Click on a color button below the grid (or type O, L, T, M, E/Space/Enter) to set the color of the selected cell.
    • Use the Stage counter to track the current stage number.
    • Use the Sets counter to mark how many sets are combined (2, 3, or 4).
    • The Clear button resets the main grid.
    • The Next Stage button saves the current grid state and advances to the next stage.
    • The Replace Stage button overwrites the selected stage’s grid state.
  • In Solve mode:
    • The stages to be combined are shown on the right of the grid.
    • Use the Stages range buttons (+ -) to navigate through different groups of stages.
    • Use the main grid to combine the sets. Save each combined set with the Next Stage button.
  • Reset Saves clears all saved grid states.
  • Delete Future Saves removes saved states after the current selected one.
  • Reset All resets the entire interactive.