On the Subject of Forgetful Grid
“You merged the wrong layers again, didn’t you?”
- This module contains a 5×5 touch-screen grid, three displays on the right side of the grid, a display above the grid, and a submit button.
- The green number on the display next to the submit button is the stage number. The display next to the submit button will from now on be referred to as the “stage counter”.
- At the start of the bomb, the module will be on stage 0. While the module is on stage 0, the three displays on the side of the module will be blank, meaning there is no information to take note of. There will be a white number on the stage counter, either a 2, 3, or 4. Take note of this number, as it will be important during the solving process and it will only appear on stage 0.
Obtaining Information:
- Note: During this section, the grid can’t be interacted with. You can touch the squares all you want, but they won’t do anything.
- Every time a non-ignored module is solved, Forgetul Grid will advance one stage. The stage counter will increase by one to signify this.
- During a stage, each of the three displays on the right side of the grid will alternate between two coordinates each. Each coordinate can be one of four colors (turquoise, lime, magenta, or orange). These six coordinates will be referred to as a “set” from now on.
- Note: If colorblind is activated, the first letter of the color will appear for all three displays before continuing to the next set of coordinates.
- Make sure you keep a note of all six coordinates in the set and their respective colors. When another non-ignored module is solved, a new set will be displayed.
- Repeat this process for every non-ignored module on the bomb. Once every non-ignored module is solved, please report to the “Solving Process” section of this manual.