Cheating Four-Card Monte

Yes. Rigging the system is intended. That’s how some people get away with this.

  • When ready, press the deal button. Four cards and coins will be presented.
  • To win the game, you will need an appropriate bet and choose the correct card after they’re shuffled.
  • To diarm this module, you need to send the money you won to your card number, via the device handed after winning.

You will strike if:

  • You deal at an invalid time.
  • You select the wrong coin.
  • You pick the wrong card after the shuffle. In this instance, the module will make you start over.
  • You send the wrong amount.
  • You press the power button after being handed the device for sending money. (Yes. That is literally there.)
  • You send the right amount without solving certain modules. (See If You Chose the Correct Card)

To Start:

You can only deal if:

  • you solved 5 or more modules and,*
  • the bomb’s time left in minutes is even.
    • If the bomb’s timer is displayed as XX.XX instead, assume 0 minutes.

*Except if the amount of modules, minus the sum of all Four-Card Monte modules and other modules ignored by Four-Card Monte, is less than 5.

The correct coin and card to follow:

To win in Four-Card Monte, you need to follow the correct card and, after a shuffle, find it again. You also need the correct bet.

Step B1: The correct coin:

The correct coin (or bet) is decided by the cards and coins that are dealt to you.

  1. If your first card is an Ace of Spades and a lit BOB is also present, press the 1st coin.
  2. Otherwise, if your last card is a Jack of Clubs and you have more than 1 red coin, press the 4th coin.
  3. Otherwise, if you have a Queen Of Hearts and there’s any king present as well, press the 2nd coin.
  4. Otherwise, if an Ace of Diamonds is present and you don’t have duplicate coins, press the 3rd coin.
  5. Otherwise, if all cards are from different suits, press the 1st coin.
  6. Otherwise, if there are 2 Spades and 2 Clubs, press the 2nd coin.
  7. Otherwise, if you have 2 Hearts and 2 Diamonds, press the 4th coin.
  8. Otherwise, if you have 2 pairs of suits that are not specified in steps 6 and 7, press the 3rd coin.
  9. Otherwise, if none apply and the serial number has a vowel, take the last digit of the serial number. Else take the first digit.
  10. If that digit is higher than 4, subtract 4. Otherwise, if it’s lower than 1, add 4.
  11. Using that value will dictate your correct coin, where 1 being the 1st coin, 2 being the 2nd, etc.

Remember the color of the chip you pressed as that will be used later on.

The Correct Progression Table and Card

With “Card #”, follow card #, starting from the left, before the shuffle happened. Then press the card the you followed the card to after selecting the correct coin.


  • “> #” represents more than the specified amount
  • “< #” represents less than the specified amount
  • “#+” represents the specified amount or greater
  • If the content for the content above is marked with XX:XX instead, the content represents the bomb timer in MM:SS format instead.
  • One of the conditions is hidden as that condition will NEVER occur.

To read the next set of tables on the next 2 pages, refer to this table on the page for an example.
To follow the table, first check the condition on the top-most row then progress down to the next row.
If the condition on that row is satisfied, take the “condition” half of that table. Otherwise take the “else” half of the table.
Then, enter the next row on the respective half. If the condition in that row on the given half is satisfied, take the “condition” portion of the given half. Otherwise, take the “else” portion of the given half.
Repeat until you reach the last row, which will give the item needed.

In the example provided, assume you need to use the Example Progression Table.
First, Assume Condition 1 is satisfied. Go to the “Condition 1” half of the next row.
Next, assume condition 2 is not satisfied. Take the “else” portion of that given half to the next row.
Lastly, assume condition 5 is satisfied. Take the “Condition 5” portion underneath to get “Item 3”.

Example Progression Table
Condition 1 Else
Condition 2 Else Condition 3 Else
Con. 4 Else Con. 5 Else Con. 6 Else Con. 7 Else
Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 Item 4 Item 5 Item 6 Item 7 Item 8

If you have:

4 cards of the same suit + no duplicate ranks;
Or 3 cards of the same suit
1st card is Spades Else
Vowel in serial # Else Vowel in indicator(s) Else
2+ Spades Else 2+ Hearts Else 2+ Diamonds Else 2+ Clubs Else
Card 1 Card 2 Card 3 Card 4 Card 1 Card 2 Card 3 Card 4
exactly 1 King, 1 Queen and 2 Jacks;
Or exactly 1 King and 2 Jacks
A Royal_Flu$h module is present† Else
Poker is present Else > 7 modules solved* Else
Modulo is present Else British Slang is present Else Flip The Coin is present Else Blackjack is present Else
Card 1 Card 2 Card 3 Card 4 Card 1 Card 2 Card 3 Card 4
exactly 1 Queen and 1 Ace;
Or 2 or more Aces
Duplicate ranks Else
Exactly 2 spades Else Exactly 2 hearts Else
1+ Aces Else 1+ Kings Else 1+ Queens Else 1+ Jacks Else
Card 1 Card 2 Card 3 Card 4 Card 1 Card 2 Card 3 Card 4
2 pairs of suits;
Or 2 hearts
> half solved modules* Else
< 50% time remaining on bomb* Else # of ports > # of solvable modules Else
Correct chip is red Else Correct chip is blue Else Correct chip is green Else Correct chip is black Else
Card 1 Card 2 Card 3 Card 4 Card 1 Card 2 Card 3 Card 4
None of the above
Time bomb started within 0:00–12:00 (12:00 exclusive, 0:00 inclusive) Else
Bomb started on odd day of month Else Bomb started on even day of month Else
50%+ time remaining on bomb* Else < 50% time remaining on bomb* Else 5:00+ remaining on bomb* Else < 5:00 remaining on bomb* Else
Card 1 Card 2 Card 3 Card 4 Card 1 Card 2 Card 3 Card 4

*This refer to at the time on the bomb when the cards are dealt or the time when the cards were dealt.

†See Appendix $ for a list of Royal_Flu$h modules

If you chose the correct card:

All you need to do now is input the correct amount of dollars and cents on the device you just received and send the money to the card number displayed above.

Step D1: Dollars:

The amount of dollars you will send to your card can be calculated like this:

  • First, take the value of the coin you pressed at the start:
    Coin Values:
    • Red: $1
    • Blue: $10
    • Green: $100
    • Black: $250
  • Then, multiply the amount of batteries (1 minimum) with the product of the amount of indicators (1 minimum), and the amount of ports (1 minimum).
  • Lastly, add the number to the value of the coin you pressed.
  • If the value is higher than $999, subtract $1000

Input the amount of dollars in the device. If it’s lower than 100, you can enter in the 2 digits and press the “Cent” key, to switch to cents. It will automatically do this upon entering 3 digits.

Step D2: Cents:

The amount of cents you will send to your card depends on your card number:

  • For the 10 cents digit, add one to the first digit in the serial number and use that value as the position in the credit card number.
  • For the single cents digit, perform the same action, but with the last digit of the serial number.

After inputting the correct amount, press the green button to send the money.

If you need to clear the input, press the red button.

You can only send money if all of the following modules are solved:

  • Point of Order
  • Poker
  • Blackjack
  • Silly Slots

Appendix $: A list of Royal_Flu$h modules.

Down below is a list of compatible Royal_Flu$h modules until the 20th of February 2020. This list still gets updated, but not instantly. (If you’re missing a module, let Qkrisi know)

  • Accumulation
  • Algebra
  • Alphabet Numbers
  • Benedict Cumberbatch
  • Blockbusters
  • British Slang
  • (Broken) Guitar Chords
  • Catchphrase
  • Christmas Presents
  • Coffeebucks
  • (Cruel) Countdown
  • The Crystal Maze
  • The Cube
  • European Travel
  • The (Festive) Jukebox
  • Flashing Lights
  • Free Parking
  • Graffiti Numbers
  • The Hangover
  • Hieroglyphics
  • Homophones
  • Horrible Memory
  • Identity Parade
  • The iPhone
  • The Jack-O’-Lantern
  • The Jewel Vault
  • The Labyrinth
  • LED Grid
  • Lightspeed
  • The London Underground
  • Maintenance
  • Memorable Buttons
  • Modulo
  • The Moon
  • Mortal Kombat
  • The Number Cipher
  • The Plunger Button
  • Poker
  • Prime Encryption
  • Quintuples
  • Retirement
  • Reverse Morse
  • Simon’s Stages / Star / On First
  • Skinny Wires
  • Skyrim
  • Snooker
  • Sonic & Knuckles
  • Sonic The Hedgehog
  • The Sphere
  • Spinning Buttons
  • Stained Glass
  • The Stock Market
  • The Stopwatch
  • Street Fighter
  • The Sun
  • The Swan
  • Symbolic Coordinates
  • T-Words
  • Tax Returns
  • The Matrix
  • The Triangle
  • The Troll
  • The Wire
  • Westeros
  • Wire Spaghetti
  • Weird Al Yankovic