On the Rewording of Foxed Freshly

This Bamboozling Button Grid variant is getting on my foxy mind again.

Original Manual

This module consists of 16 colored buttons and two screens that each display four colored encrypted messages.

Obtain an initial value from each message and use the operation associated with the displayed colors to compute the final values of each message.

Each final text value has a corresponding color to press, abbreviated by its color name. Press eight buttons that are the colors given by messages in the order they were displayed, from ALL displays on the top screen first, then the right, where the first display for that screen is shown AFTER the blank display.

If this is done correctly, the module will solve itself. If a wrong button was pressed, the module will strike and reset progress of the correct buttons pressed.

If you have multiples of that one color from the table, use the first occurrence in reading order for the first one, the second occurrence for the second one, and so on. If there are insufficient amounts of the color you get from the table, or the color isn’t present, use the next color in alphabetical order by one letter abbreviations until it is present*.

*Example: If the color you get is Azure and the colors are Red, Yellow, Yellow, Green, Gray, Magenta, Rose, Lime, Blue, Rose, Lime, Jade, Violet, Rose, Rose, and Red. Press the Gray one because it is the next button in alphabetical order by one letter abbreviations.

Initial message values

Each message that can appear on the screen contains a fox, a word given in Appendix F0X3S, that may be altered:

  • If the fox is spelled incorrectly, add 34 to the position of the fox in alphabetical order.
  • If the fox consists of only the first and last letters***, add 69 to the position of the fox in alphabetical order.
  • Otherwise, the initial value is the position of the fox in alphabetical order.

***F will be displayed as FF.

The position of the fox is 1-indexed from the top-left, going in reading order.

Final message values

Each color has an associated operation to be applied to each of the initial values, resulting in the final value of that message.

If the message starts with...

  • "THE FOX", use the color of the next message on the screen, wrapping around to the first message if necessary.
  • "FOX"†, use the color of the current message on the other screen.
  • "MISSPELT", use the color of the next message on the other screen, wrapping around to the first message if necessary.
  • Nothing else, but just the fox, use the color it is written in.

†Do not apply if the display is just "FOX".

If the initial value is less than ten, its first digit is 0 (zero).

Operation tables

Color Operation
White Do nothing
Red Add 5 times the first digit
Orange Add the product of the digits
Yellow Subtract the number from 100
Lime Add the square of the first digit
Green Subtract the sum of the digits
Jade Add the cube of the first digit
Color Operation
Grey Swap the digits
Cyan Add the square of the second digit
Azure Add the sum of the digits
Blue Double the number and subtract one
Violet Add 7 times the second digit
Magenta Subtract 5 times the second digit
Rose Add 6 times the second digit

Color Table

Take the final value, modulo 100, and locate the corresponding cell in the grid below. If the final value is less than 10, its first digit is 0 (zero).

-0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9
0- A C K M O S Y Z K W
1- B G J L R V W A L V
2- A C K M O S Y Z K Y
3- B G J L R V W B M V
4- A C K M O S Y Z K Z
5- B G J L R V W C O V
6- A C K M O S Y Z K A
7- B G J L R V W G R V
8- A C K M O S Y Z K B
9- B G J L R V W J S V


f F Ϝ Ғ Ƒ ϝ
φ Φ ʩ ſ ف Ֆ ֆ Y y

Appendix F0X3S:

Contents here are spelled correctly.

Alopex Carmelita Chefei Cubit F Fidget
Fox Foxy Greg Ikazuchi James Krystal
Kurama Madfox Mangle Marcus Necky Nick
Ninjara Redd Reynardo Setsuna Simon Tails

Appendix: Color Letter Abbreviations


Appendix: Display/Button Text Colors