On the Subject of Functions

I know exactly how to get 8 from 1 and 3!

Type “5,8478” and query and find the result in the following list. This tells you which function is in use.

sum of times each digit (45788) appears in serial number#9number of lit indicators times 63#15
  • Use additional queries to differentiate functions #9 and #15 from the others if necessary.
  • Use the letter on the bottom row along with Table 2, finding an offset to apply to the function number, to find your final function. Wrap around as necessary.
  • Submit the answer to the final function using the bottom displays as input.
  • If the answer is empty, submit 0 instead.

Table 1: Functions

#0: Digital root of ((a+b) squared)#1: a*b, even-positioned digits removed
#2: 8, then number of odd digits, then number of even digits#3: Digital root of (a+b)
#4: (a+b) modulo 1000#5: (a+b) squared
#6: Highest digit#7: 10 - number of distinct digits
#8: (Larger*2) - Smaller#9: Sum of times each digit appears in serial number
#10: Number of even numbers#11: Dots found in digits when using morse code
#12: a+b, concatenated with |a-b|#13: floor(larger / smaller) modulo 1000
#14: Digital root of |a-b|#15: Lit indicators times 63
#16: a*b#17: (a*b) modulo 1000
#18: (sum of a’s digits) * (sum of b’s digits)#19: smaller - (larger modulo smaller)
#20: a*b, odd-positioned digits removed#21: All digits missing from the number string 1234567890
#22: Lunar Addition#23: a*b, odd digits removed
#24: (Digit, then 2 if even and 1 if odd) for all distinct digits in order#25: floor(sqrt(a) + sqrt(b))
#26: Digital root of (a*b)#27: Number of digits times 202
#28: 808#29: 810 - (Number of variables below 100)
#30: Larger modulo smaller#31: Sum of letters in each English-written digit
#32: (Product of first and last digit of a) * (Product of first and last digit of b)#33: floor(sqrt(a+b))
#34: Product of first and last digits overall#35: a squared + b squared
#36: (a+b) modulo 12#37: |a-b|
#38: (Digit concatenated with the number of times that digit appears) for all distinct digits in order#39: a+b
#40: floor(larger / smaller)#41: floor((a+b) * (larger / smaller))
Digital Root: Sum of digits until a single digit is obtained. D.R. of 129 is 3.
Modulo: The remainder from a division problem. 10 modulo 3 is 1.
Absolute Value or |x|: The difference of x and 0. |2-6| = 4.
sqrt(x): Square root. sqrt(9) = 3.
floor(x): Round down.
Squared: Multiplied by itself. 5 squared is 25.
Lunar Addition: Addition but in each place, take the higher number instead of adding. In Lunar Addition, 184+229 = 289.

Table 2: Letter Adjustments

A: KBU or M in SN?+6-4
B: Battery, indicator, or port count = 2?+2-3
C: First character in SN a digit?+5-4
D: Lit BOB indicator?+8-8
E: Unlit BOB indicator?+6-2
F: First character in SN a letter?+6-5
G: Parallel port but no Serial port?+1-5
H: At least one empty port plate?+1-3
I: No batteries?+1+5
J: Vowel in SN?+5-3
K: Indicators > 3?+4-1
L: Battery count even?+6+7
M: Ports > indicators?+3-7
N: More lit than unlit indicators?+3-5
O: Indicators > batteries?+6-1
P: Indicator count even?+2-3
Q: ERI or S in SN?+1-3
R: Exactly 3 letters in SN?+3-2
S: Batteries > ports?+2+4
T: Batteries > 4?+4+1
U: Lit and unlit indicator count equal?+2-2
V: JQX or Z in SN?+7+1
W: At least three ports?+3-5
X: No indicators?+3-3
Y: 4+ SN digits?+4-1
Z: No ports?+5-1